Do You Ever Get Nervous About Money?
Today, I want to tackle a topic that came up in a group coaching call and that I believe resonates with many of us: financial fear. It's something that can paralyze us, making us want to make concessions just to ensure we get paid. We might think, "If I give in once, they'll keep pushing, and I don't want to give in." But how do we turn off that fear and continue doing the work we’re meant to do, regardless of whether we get paid or not?
Here's the thing: we have more control over our actions than we often realize. Yes, it's true that we can't control whether clients pay us, but we can control how we respond to that fear. How many of you deal with financial fears? Raise your hand. Look around. Almost everyone deals with this. Money is one of the top things that mess with our peace of mind. Much of this fear is imaginary, filled with "what ifs"—what if I can't pay my bills, what if I lose my income, what if…?
Instead of trying to turn off the fear, we can make it quieter by hacking it. When fear strikes, notice where in your body you are having a reaction (tight chest? fast heartbeat? flushed face?) then take 3 breaths and shift your focus to your vision and act on that. The main goal is to stay out of reaction and remain in creation. Reaction is driven by fear, by survival, but creation comes from a place of intention and purpose.
For example, consider the moment when you're waiting to get paid. Instead of freezing up or making concessions out of fear, ask yourself, "What do I need to do to move forward?" Think about the actions you can take to fulfill your work or secure new clients. Slowly, as you start taking steps, the fear will begin to dissipate. Realize that you can’t let these situations stop you from progressing with your projects.
In your own situation, think about the actions you can take to forward your work. Instead of making concessions out of fear, hack that fear by shifting your focus to your vision. What steps can you take to secure new clients or fulfill your current contracts? Remember, reacting and creating can't occupy the same space at the same time. If you're reacting, your energy is consumed by fear. Replace that reaction with deliberate actions towards creation, and the fear will have no room.
Think about it from a physical perspective. Imagine reaction is like a lip gloss and creation is like a pen. (ok, that's what I had on my desk while I was writing this) They can't occupy the same space at the same time. If your space is filled with reaction, there's no room for creation. So, when you feel fear, acknowledge it, then shift to what you can create in that moment.
Training yourself to stay out of reaction and in creation is a new skill. It's about building a new muscle called "committed but unattached." You can be committed to your work and clients without being attached to the outcome. This approach reduces the power financial fear has over you.
So, this week, I challenge you to notice when you’re reacting out of financial fear. Identify those moments, acknowledge them, and then redirect your energy towards actions that align with your vision. By doing this, you'll start creating from a place of possibility rather than reacting out of fear.
Keep creating!
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