Do you deserve your luck?
Jean Marie Beyinda
Designer UI/UX et Développeur Front-End | Graphic Designer | Flutter Dev | NextJS Dev | Marketing Expert | YouTuber | Developer | Writer | Teacher
Success is often a combination of both luck and effort, hard work definitely plays a role in achieving success, but luck’s influence is undeniable. You can’t really say all you did was work hard to be where you are, else that will mean if another person does the exact same thing, they should get the same results as you then.
You being where you are was a product of a lot of factors, which are for the most part dependent on luck.
You were born in the right place at the right time, surrounded by the right persons in the right environment, with the right information and the appropriate mindset which led you to make the right decisions bolstered by the right amount of determination and motivation. So many things had to be right for you to be where you are, and all of these things had nothing to do with your efforts or the hard work you put in. It would have just taken for one thing to be wrong for you to end up in a totally different place.
Now the question is, do you deserve your luck? Do you deserve to be where you are? I guess to a certain degree yes but luck is unmeasurable, unquantifiable and uncontrollable, it is as random as an event can be so how can you mix it with the word “deserve”. That's like saying you deserved to win the lottery? What did you do different from the millions of other persons who bought and scratched the ticket same as you? The answer is nothing, you don’t deserve your luck.
Efforts put us in a better position to harness the power of our luck, you might get lucky, but if you don’t know what to do with that luck then it will just go to waste at the end of the day.
I can’t tell you how luck works, who gets what or how it happens, but I think at the very least we all get lucky from time to time and by harnessing this power when it occurs we can take ourselves to higher heights.
Thanks for reading ??