Do you dare to hope when there’s no reason to hope? Here ,5 things if you look at carefully will make you Dare to hope even when it feels all is gone
We all struggle in different ways. Without hope, the hardships we face can drain away our inner reservoirs of joy and vitality.
But what can we do when we’ve hoped and hoped, worked and worked, persevered and persevered, yet our circumstances remain the same? Sometimes it’s just too painful to keep looking forward when there doesn’t seem to be much to look forward to.
Dare to hope when it feels all is gone.The darkest hours are just before dawn.
If you’re going through a difficult time right now, I want you to know that Allah loves you. He sees what you’re going through, He is with you, and He desires to help you right where you are.
Always look at remaining positive even when it looks like there is no hope and things aren’t going to get better.
5 Things to Remain Positive About
So, what are the 5 things that you should always remain positive about, especially through your low points? Let’s find out shall we…
1. Your Health.
I love the saying ‘If there’s nothing wrong with your health, you don’t have a problem’, Your health is one of the most vital assets you have, in fact it’s the most vital asset you have. No matter what car you drive or how much money you have in your bank, they are completely meaningless compared to the importance of being healthy and strong.
When everything seems down, just remember that you are alive and healthy and you have the rest of your life in front of you. There’s no greater achievement than the gift of life.
2. There’s Always Tomorrow.
You’ve probably heard this a million times but the point from this statement is just as true as ever. Have you ever been stressing about something a lot, maybe through impatience, and woke up the next day and found that you don’t really care about that ‘problem’ anymore?
I know I have. There’s always tomorrow is not just a wishful thinking mindset, it’s a fact. Tomorrow will be here just like today was here, so no matter how bad things are going or how bad your day seems, tomorrow will be here when you wake up and give you hundreds of more opportunities.
That isn’t to say you should put things off and always be waiting for tomorrow, this is about realizing you still have the time to turn things around and improve your situation.
3. Your Potential.
There are some people in this world who are billionaires. There are some people in this world that discovered gravity, invented electricity and even someone who came up with the internet. You know what the difference is between you and all these amazing people?
Absolutely nothing, you’re both human.
You have as good a chance to change the world as anybody, you just have to realize it.
Some people never live up to their full potential, mostly because they believe that success and fame or happiness and clarity are left for people who are more fortunate than them.
You have the potential to be anyone and do anything you want, our time on this planet gives us amazing chances and opportunities, don’t waste it because you feel like you have no hope.
People made millions, people saved lives, you are a person, you can do the same.
4. Things Could be Worse.
Things could be worse, they could always be worse, at least in 99.9% of situations we find ourselves in.
No matter what problems you think you have right now, they could be worse. If you are struggling to pay your next bill, at least you are living in a home while doing it or have a family who are willing to support you. If you’ve just divorced your partner , it’s not like all other one on the planet have disappeared, you can still get out there and find another girl for you.
Life is abundant, don’t take your current situation as the worst it could be, because more often than not, things could be a whole level worse than you can imagine.
5. You’ll Come Out Stronger.
I love challenges, I really do. I love knowing I’m scared of doing something but that I can conquer it.
‘ Hard times make you stronger‘
Think of any hard time in your life whether it’s:
- Losing your job
- Getting beaten up.
- Being financially unstable
If you’ve been through any of these and came out on the other side then you will know that they’ve probably made you stronger as a person and helped you with other aspects of your life.
Be thankful for the challenges you have right now, because on the other end is a new you with a lot more strength than the old one.
Dare to hope......Wait for good.
Marwa is a pioneer and expert in developing projects to build revenue, profits and corporate visibility with extensive experience in all facets of projects starting with site identification, developing and overseeing the implementation of the feasibility plans for projects; actively participating in the various financial analysis, acquisition, master planning, design review and tendering.
She is in the UAE Property Development industry Since 2001 during which she has coordinated all administrative activities pertaining to construction projects with an overall budget exceeding 5 billion.
Marwa holds an Architectural Engineering degree, PMP and Master in Project Management from the American Academy U.S.A.
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PDC Group
5 年With out struggles in life, we cannot improve our self. A life with out problems can only make us unskilled. A problem that happens every moment in our life is a step by step ladder to a successful career or turning point in any one's life. God watches and protects us in every moment.