Do you dare go that far?
Loren Murfield, Ph.D Disruptive Thinker, Author, Speaker, Filmmaker
Thinking Bigger and Reaching Higher to do the Impossible
Only 1% of the population run a marathon.
Most don't think they can run that far.
Many others can't imagine wanting to run that far.
Still others think it is a waste of valuable time that could be used for something much more productive.
So why do marathoners run?
A.J. Odudu, a British Television Presenter, stated it well, "Running a marathon is appealing to runners for many reasons. It's epic! A real test for your mind and body and a challenge that truly fills you with complete elation when you cross that finish line. But it is in no way a trivial undertaking."
Here's a secret. You don't have to win. You don't even have to place. The challenge of a marathon is pushing yourself farther and in the process, faster. I'm not fast and didn't start running until my mid-50s, so I'll never be an elite marathoner. The secret is that marathon running has led to my doing things others label as "impossible."
I've taken that secret into my business world. As I prepare to run the Marine Corps Marathon in October, that challenge and training inspire me to launch and develop entrepreneurial projects, engage new and younger clients, and write, publish, and market new books.
Do you dare go that far?
Do you dare wonder, "What if I . . .?" and then ask, "Why not?"
I am Loren Murfield, Ph.D., helping clients think bigger, reach higher, and do the impossible.