Do you compare yourself with others?
Lee Broders
International Business Mentor & Life Coach | Professional Speaker | Author | NED | Empowering Business Owners to create TIME for strategic GROWTH | Specializing in scaling businesses to 7-figures and beyond
Do you compare yourself with others?
Don't worry we all do it, it's just part of human nature and the comparison game or war as it is sometimes called, is as old as humanity itself.
However, it is not always the best thing for you to do.
I believe that Theodore Roosevelt actually said that “Comparison is the thief of joyâ€.
Whether you can relate to this or not, comparing ourselves to others is mostly unhealthy, though it can have some positive effects like motivation.
However, when we compare ourselves to others, we're often comparing their best features against our average ones. And this can be a recipe for unhappiness.
Many people do not accept that they're able to change, and they compare themselves to others who they perceive to be doing better than themselves.
But remember that we do not see all the issues that they've had to overcome to get where they are.
Would you believe me if I said social media does not reflect life, it's just snapshots, not the complete picture.
It's only when we're able to accept where we, can we move forward.
Not being guided by our fears and focusing on ourselves and not on others, can we truly, and really live a fulfilling and satisfying life.
It's hard to stop comparing ourselves with others, but here are eight tips to help you avoid comparing yourself to other people.
1. Practice gratitude. When you look at others, remember of all the things that you have to be grateful for.
2. Focus on your strengths, be humble, but recognise your strengths, talents, and your accomplishments.
3. Celebrate others, be happy for other people's accomplishments. Their success is nothing to do with you, so don't be jealous of them. They in turn will be happy for you.
4. Compete against yourself, not others. Focus on your own goals and dreams, making them a reality instead of what somebody else is doing.
5. Remember, you don't know the whole story. Only you will know the whole story of you. What people present on the outside of the world is not always the facts.
6. You are who you are, you're not somebody else.
7. Realise that you are imperfect. None of us are perfect, not even me, hard to believe, but it's okay to be imperfect.
8. Find motivation and inspiration without comparison. Let other people's triumphs allow you to open your eyes to what is possible with honesty, commitment, and hard work.
When you can stop comparing yourself to others, you will be able to focus your energy and time on yourself to build your future, allowing you to take back control of your life.
If you do feel that you need to compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to your past, your present and your future you.
I hope you have found this insightful and informative.
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Stop comparing yourself to others
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