Do You Break Your Promise?

Do You Break Your Promise?

Now I'm speaking about the promise you make to yourself, not to others.

How many times have you thought about doing something like losing weight, getting up earlier, spending more time outdoors, or even learning a new skill, getting all kitted out and started, only to stop? 

A great example of a promise to yourself is the dreaded new year's resolutions.

But that's not a promise to myself I hear you say, well actually, it is, the motto of the London stock exchange is dictum Meum pattern, which translates to my word is my bond, which allowed deals to be done on a handshake, a promise.

I digress, but how many times have you made a new year's resolution?

A promise to yourself only to break it shortly after starting.

It's not just new year's resolutions either.

It's every time you tell yourself you're going to do something and don't, which we all do more than we'd like to admit, how would you feel if a friend of yours kept making a promise to you, but then consistently broke that promise?

My bet is that your friendship and the trust in that friend would not be that strong and would after a time stopped being in existence.

However, we all feel content to break the promises we make to ourselves. We sometimes rush into a new promise for a month or so, with all guns blazing to slowly or abruptly stop, by missing a day and then another, and then before long, we're no longer doing what we'd set out to do.

If however, you were to set your goal, create smaller tasks and do these small achievable tasks more regular, they would develop into habits.

Over time these tasks and habits will become ingrained in your daily routine and become part of your life.

By breaking down these tasks into small bite-sized chunks, it makes them easier to do, less time consuming than when there were bigger.

Here are five techniques to help you stop breaking promises to yourself.

1. Write down the promise to yourself, with it written down it becomes more plausible and having it where you're able to see it and review it every day can really help.

2. Change your beliefs about the promises to yourself. We are much better at keeping promises to others. Treat yourself as you do others, and believe that you matter as much as everyone else does.

3. Hold yourself accountable. Question why you keep breaking your promise to yourself and if it would be acceptable if someone else did the same thing to you.

4. Ask yourself if you mean the promise. Before you make a promise, ask yourself if you really mean it and listen to the answer you receive from yourself and then respect it.

5. Accept the discomfort. Avoiding discomfort is a habit that can be changed. If we are better at dealing with discomfort, then we have a greater chance of keeping our promise to ourselves.

We all make promises to ourselves that we ultimately break, I can speak from firsthand experience.

The problem is that every time we break a self promise, we erode the trust we have in ourselves.

This has the effect on eroding our self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth as we do not value ourselves as much as we do others, but you do have the ability to change this.

I hope you found this insightful and informative.

If you'd like to know more, please like, follow and subscribe to my social media channels and website.

Also, please feel free to contact me on any of them as I'd love to hear what sorts of promises you make to yourself and how you're able to keep them, or not as the case may be.

Thank you.


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