Do you believe Universe is absolutely nothing

Most people could not less more about the Universe. They are immersed in a very basic, day to day life survival, simply trying to fulfill their instinctive and social desires comprised of food, sex, family, wealth, power and knowledge. And they can’t change, do not even notice that right now we are sleepwalking towards our doom. Only a small minority looks beyond such basic fulfillment, trying to find an overall meaning, purpose in life, trying to place us, as “truly Human beings” into the big picture.

Some people don’t even know why they are. People can’t answer the simple question of why they are and, yet, they know the universe means absolutely nothing. I had no idea we were in the presence of such intellect that can’t answer a simple question about themselves but have no problem unlocking the secret of the universe. How could they possibly live a normal life in this quandary? My head wants to explode.

The only “nothing” that is certain is what they know, and, like Socrates, I’m not sure they really know that. I think people would be better served to live a full life and have children. Then, one day, look into their child’s eyes, see the look of wonder, and ask themselves, again, if they know “the universe means absolutely nothing” to them.

This minority will have to become the special pioneers, who - by identifying Nature’s evolutionary plan and our own predetermined place in it - can lead Humanity out of this bling, instinctive, crisis, and suffering filled existence towards a qualitative much higher, conscious, a collective one. Then we will all understand what the Universe, life in general actually means, how and why everything came to life.

There are three ways of looking at this question really speaking. The first one is to realise that the universe indeed means nothing – not only as an absolute whole, but specifically to you! It’s simply too big to matter. Only astronomers and cosmologists care about the universe. The rest mostly cares about family, friends, colleagues, and the local sports team. Sure, it may be an illusion, but then it is an illusion in the same way that free will is if there is an omnipotent omniscient god.

The second one is to realise that we are star stuff. The atoms in your body were cooked in the alchemy of fusion in stars or forged on the anvil of supernova explosions or neutron star collisions. The molecules connect you to everything on the planet, and your genes connect you to all living things. In a sense, you are the universe made manifest to observe and understand itself. And the third way is to invent a god whose sole purpose for making a universe is to give you special meaning and the chance of salvation.

How do people live a normal life knowing the universe means absolutely nothing? If we cannot identify the truth about life, we will see everything meaningless; that feeling increases anxiety and depression. Regardless of how successful we are with our personal objectives; we cannot have inner peace without addressing the high-level objective; the purpose of our existence. It is wrong to say ‘let us enjoy the journey and forget about the destination’ If you find yourself in a train, you should not enjoy the beautiful scenes before first ask: why am I here? Where is the destination? We should first ask ‘what is the purpose of life?’ What is the value of life if we do not know the purpose of that life?

It is the greatest good for an individual to discuss virtue every day...for the un-examined life is not worth living – Socrates

Our life on earth is a very short period compared to the universe time scale; It could be a temporary test period.

God is testing us in our short life on earth; the wealthy father has the right to test his children before distributing the wealth.

Testing missions are not supposed to be easy and comfortable.

The test questions are not supposed to be known in advance.

The wise father disciplines his children and prepares them for a better life

The obedient son who takes care of others should be rewarded better than the disobedient son who persecutes others.


