Do you believe this statement?
Brian K. Cain
Co-Founder of Work Excellence | Professional Executive Coach | Strategic Planning Expert | Educator | Facilitator | Consultant | Author | Speaker | ??We help create Excellence, Growth & Performance in Organizations
“Work Smarter, Not Harder”
After first hearing this statement from my father many years ago and hearing it repeated many times since, it led me to wonder …does this statement even make sense? I follow this premise in my work; however, I believe the statement may be better phrased as “Work Smarter, Harder”.
Most of us are not afraid of work or even hard work as long as we know that the rewards are greater than the efforts.
I’ve spent my entire career learning through observation. Human beings are visual learners and tend to find the best way to do our work by watching others do the work and simply finding a simpler way (working smarter). The most successful individuals, teams, and organizations, add the additional element of harder. This is simply learning to Work with Excellence. How do you Work with Excellence? Is your method of Working with Excellence sustainable and repeatable?
If we bring WorkExcellence into our activities we find that the work is much simpler due to the fact that we eliminate wasted effort which frees up much needed time, energy and resources.
Zero Degree Consulting has spent the past ten years developing our system of Work Smarter, Harder. Our work with individuals, teams, and organizations has resulted in dynamic transformational change and created many committed “results driven” environments. From these efforts, new ways of presenting your work in a simple visual format has emerged. This system has been deployed in many organizations and thousands of individuals have experienced WorkExcellence.
You, your team, and your organization, now have the ability to learn and use the WorkExcellence system. Invest in your success. Join us for a workshop to get started with a new way of learning and improving your work If you do not see a workshop in your area, request one?
Brian K. Cain
Senior Managing Partner
Zero Degree Consulting
Co-founder WorkExcellence