Do You Believe In Miracles?
Curtesy of the Eleizabethton Star; Sept 1st 2006 edition.

Do You Believe In Miracles?

There were two sisters, Rose and Florence. Rose was the eldest of the two. The two sisters each had two children. Rose had a Girl and a boy, while Florence had two boys. It was a beautiful spring morning as the two sisters drank coffee and watched their children play in the yard. As the sisters watched, they decided to go downtown so the children could have some fun feeding the ducks at the covered bridge. The children all loved feeding the ducks and playing at the Riverside Park downtown.

???After getting the children dressed and ready to go, the sisters finished another cup of coffee and headed toward town. It was an hour's trip, and all six were as happy as possible; each child had some bread to feed the ducks. Time flew as they talked about what was happening in their home life. Both women tell a story of something that happened during the last week. Florence was unhappy, but she would not let on to her two sons as they both adored their jealous father. Rose would go on about how building a home and tearing the old one down from the inside was hard work.

???They were about 9 miles into their trip on a winding part of highway 321. They had just topped a hill and started around the next curve to the left when a colossal-sized hound dog appeared. Rose was driving and swerved to miss the dog. She lost control of her car as it slid left, then right. When the car slid to the right the second time. It hit the dirt on the edge of the road, and the tires caught traction, but the car's inertia kept the vehicle in motion as it started rolling down the embankment.

??The vehicle made two revolutions and landed on its top. Florence was caught in her seat belt, but Rose got thrown from the car, and her head was pinned under the vehicle's top. As people approached, they thought all they saw was a dead girl.

???"Hello," Rose called as she picked herself up and looked around. She saw a thick white haze, But it was pretty and the air smelled of lavender. "Hello," she called again; "Where am I?" She heard, "you are here with me," as a young bearded man approached. She smiled and said, "I know you" I've been wondering how you've been, she said to the young man. "Where are we?' she asked. "We are here together," he said; I was sent to greet you and see if you were ready to come home. She said, "my car is a mess; My husband will have to come to pick me up." "No, That's not what I mean." "Are you ready to come home with me"? The man asked her. "Oh," she said; "Really? Now?" She asked as she started to cry. She fell to her knees, saying; I want to come home, I really do, but I do not want to go right now. I wish to see my children grow before I come home.

Let me tell you something before you decide. The young man said. Your son will grow fine to be a strong man. Father loaned you a daughter to care for a short time. She will grow into adulthood, but that is all he will promise. She has things to do for Father, and Losing her will be heartbreaking for you and your family. Are you sure you want to go through that? Yes! she cried; I want to spend as much time as possible with her. She is a precious child to me. I love her and my son so much. Please let me see them grow? She asked. As you wish, the young man said. It was great to see and talk to you. You will need to work hard for a while, he told her. It will not be easy, so hold on tight. Tighter than you've ever held on before. Do you understand? Yes, I do, she said. Thank you, Thank you so much. I will always appreciate what you have done for me.

??What did you say? One of the men asked as he pulled her from under the car. Oh, Nothing. she said. You just lived a miracle, someone said. Your head landed perfectly between those two rocks, and they held the vehicle off of you. You are a lucky woman. I Do feel lucky; Rose told people. Nobody else got hurt seriously in the accident, and we all get to go home to our families.

??Rose told Florence what she had just gone through and what the man said. Florence agreed that she truly lived a miracle. Rose told her husband, and he just grunted and laughed at her. She told her Mom and her oldest brother, and they didn't know precisely what to believe. But they both thought she went through something but didn't know what.

??Well, time marches on for everyone. The young girl, Danielle, spent the next fifteen years happy for the most part. Most people loved to hang around her and do things together. She loved her life when she met someone who spooned her and treated her well. She loved him so much that she finally decided to make love to him. At that point, he ghosted her, and her heart was broken. She moped around for weeks before she started to return to her usual self, but soon she was doing charity events and helping people everywhere she could. She loved helping people and wanted to spend her life doing just that.

Danielle loved to draw and color. In March of 2006, she drew a headstone, and on this headstone, she had her name, Aug 1986 - Aug 2006. When asked why she put that on there, she said, "You cannot have a blank headstone in a graveyard. That would be silly." So she laid the picture down, and it was forgotten.

???On Aug 31st, The two siblings Danielle and her brother, had an early morning Dr. appointment. Danielle had just had her Twentieth Birthday a few days earlier on the 24th. She was thrilled this particular day, and she told her younger brother to sit in the front so he could have more legroom. This was not the norm as she loved sitting in the front. It was a wet day with a fast fine rain falling, and Rose was being as careful as she could as she did not like rainy days like this. She was traveling on a three-lane section of highway near tiger hill. She was going uphill in the left lane as another car was in the right lane. They moved a little slower than the posted limit and followed the road as it turned towards the left.

???The old man was driving the second car in a group of three cars heading towards Elizabethton, Tn, from Roan Mtn. He was making good progress keeping up with traffic, and he saw no problem making his meeting as he should. He was thinking about how curvy the roads were in the area and was glad he had new tires installed the month before as he had a bunch of traveling to do. His car started moving to the left into oncoming traffic; he had no control and was helpless to stop his vehicle. Oh my God, I'm hydroplaning. He was thinking about the damage his big car would cause if it hit the little Mercury Zepher he was heading towards. It was all happening so fast. No, he screamed as his car hit the little car head-on. The little car spun three times counterclockwise and slammed into the guard rail on the opposite side of travel.

???No one in the car moved as people came up to the vehicle to see if they could help. The people thought it best to talk to them and wait for emergency help to show as the car was a tangled mess. Rose came to but could not move from her position; she could not see into the backseat. She did, however, see a mirror that let her see her Danielle just sitting still. She watched the brightness of her daughter's Blue eyes fade away and glaze over. She started calling for her daughter; repeatedly, she called, but she did not get an answer. Her son came too; he could turn far enough to see his sister sitting there, a blank look on her face and her eyes glazed over. He called and called her himself, trying to get a response. But there was no response. He started screaming in pain because his legs hurt so bad.

???The ambulance showed up and had to cut everyone out of the car. They worked until everyone was clear of the wreckage, and they started transporting them to the hospital. Rose kept staring at the wreckage and waving; she laughed as she was loaded into the ambulance. Rose believed what she saw. Standing next to the wreckage, there was the young man she had talked to over fifteen years earlier, with his arm around her daughter's shoulders as she waved and blew kisses to her like she did as a child.


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