Do You Believe In Manifestation?
Joe Costello
**Global Explorer & Travel Mentor** – If exploring the world means everything to you, let’s connect and turn wanderlust into reality.
Helping Entrepreneurs with Passion, Purpose & Persistence
I personally find it hard to say what I believe when it comes to manifesting or the law of attraction, etc. I don't know if I've ever actually put in the work that I believe it requires, to see the desired results. Some people look at manifestation as 'wishful thinking' when in reality it's not about wishing at all but more about aligning your thoughts, feelings and actions with your desired outcome. It's a proactive process, not passive, process.
Some people think positive thinking alone, is enough and yes, while positive thinking is essential, it's not the sole driving force of manifestation. It's about being real with your emotions, believing in your potential and taking meaningful actions toward your goals.
So here are some tips that I myself are incorporating more and more into my life that I believe when I really stick to this and practice these, I will have more success and ultimately more proof in the power of manifestation moving forward.
There are two forms of 'want', one is a healthy form like motivation, betterment, inspirational, guidance towards what you seek. The unhealthy 'want' is the type that keeps us in lack, anxious and in fear. What we don't realize is the more we complain about and say things like "I wish I had more money" or "I wish I had more love in my life", we're actually vibrating that frequency of 'wanting' which is giving off the energy of 'lack'.
The art of manifestation is thinking about the future version of you that already has what you want and start thinking like them, feeling like them, taking risks and inspired actions and now you're entire energetic state is giving off the vibrations that the universe will align with bringing you more of what you are and have become instead of someone who is vibrating 'lack' which in turn, the universe will gladly deliver as well.
Listen, some people might read this and think it's pie in the sky and all rainbows and unicorns type fluff but look at it this way, what do you possibly have to lose if it works?! The opposite is such a horrible way to live so I chose this instead.
At this point you might be wondering why I bring this subject up and main reason is I'm usually speaking to entrepreneurs and people who want more out of life. With wanting more and a better life (see the work 'wanting' in there), we have to be careful about how we vibrate this to the universe and I wanted to help you along your way with not only the inspiration to be the best version of yourself but to give you another tool to speed up the process.
You are what you want to become, you are what you would like out of life, the universe is here to help so send the right message and you will be rewarded.
So here's my offer to you: if you need support or accountability on your journey to personal growth and success, I'm here to help - no strings attached. Reach out to me via email at [email protected] or share your thoughts thru a DM on LinkedIn. Your actions today can shape a brighter tomorrow for yourself.
Thank you for being a part of this community; your journey matters.
Warm regards,