Do you BELIEVE in the MAGIC of stories?
Why Stories? What Stories?
‘We are a sum total of the stories that we are!’ Stories have intrigued and mesmerized us since times immemorial. As adults or as children, stories continue to fascinate and captivate us! They transport us to a dimension that comes from purely an individual experience, connecting life with the surreal! It enthuses and infuses one with excitement and wide eyed wonder!
Good?stories?do more than create a sense of connection. They build familiarity and trust, and allow the listener to enter the?story?where they are, making them more open to?involvement and envisioning a new dimension!
Do you agree that stories change every time we read them. They provide new perspectives, new interpretations, new dimensions! Age and experiences too impact how we see a story over time.
Stories help to organize information providing a sequence with challenge and a new reality. Stories are inspirational. ?It defines the origins of characters and settings, providing a deep context that people are curious about where people (or fictional characters) come from, how they change and how they evolve.
Stories provide invaluable information about lands never travelled and characters never envisaged. This is transferred to a listener or reader in a unique ways alleged. Stories can help to identify and solve unresolved issues. They give perspectives and ideas that can change and allow to make decisions viable to the context. Stories have an emotional appeal. They can reflect emotions and experiences which helps to convey a higher level of empathy. ?They are motivational and are ideal for attitudinal transformation that can lead to alteration in behavior and attitudes.
Good storytelling can transport learners out of their stuffy classrooms and offices into an adventurous world away from the limiting box like walls. In this altered reality, the mind becomes more open to perceiving and thinking in new and unchartered way. This is an ideal position from which to learn in a unique manner.
Stories are ideal to maintain attention and interest. Everyone loves a good story! These are the hooks that keep people hooked! Stories help us to share personal illustrations as protagonists and share our lessons through a powerful tool .
Stories are the key to instructional design. The value of stories in a student’s life is immense and can be used for learning and connecting across the curriculum.?These threshold moments anchor us in the meaning of experiences and goes beyond the wonderful use of technology.
Join me in this self-exploratory journey about discovering the Why and What of stories!?