Do you adorn your laptop with cool tech stickers?

Do you adorn your laptop with cool tech stickers?

Are you a computer nerd? Geek? Programmer? Developer? Then chances are you, you have a work laptop. If you are working from home in IT, you likely have a laptop. If you are in IT or a student, you likely have a laptop. Are you in IT? You get the idea right? If you have a laptop, to you have stickers on it as know from Office Space ...flair?

This week I read a post somewhere (was on Facebook, but I won't admit that) about an IT person complaining about removing stickers from their returned laptop. That got me thinking....MY company won't have that problem. Why? Cause...oh why don't I blog about it?!


Quite simply, I put a vinyl sticker on the top of my laptop, where the various type of stickers can be placed. Easy for me, or IT person to remove.

Supplies, simply a measuring tape and a vinyl sticker big enough to cover the top of the laptop and scissors (or other cutting implement).

After my first attempt, I added a corner cutter to my tools to help make the corners more consistent. If you have access to a straight line paper cutter , it'll help make for consistently straight cuts.

Some of you with phone stickers are probably shouting at your monitors, you could EASILY buy one for your computer online (ie skinit ). Sure.....YOU COULD! But DID YOU? My guess iiiiiiiiiiiiis, nope. There is also the question of "do they have YOUR laptop in stock\on record? Maybe...maybe not?

This is cheap to buy, easy to setup, and MOST IMPORTANTLY easy to remove without undo stress to the delicate pricey to replace laptop top. You know, where that big delicate LCD screen is located, that could BREAK if you put too much pressure on it?

So...if you own your own laptop (or have a kid with their own laptop), this is a great way to let them personalize their hardware, give them a sense of ownership and pride, knowing you can keep the top in pristine condition. If you are a company employee given a work laptop, you can also adorn it with your own personal spice\attitude\character knowing you won't be pissing off the IT person when you move onto bigger and better things.

Now that I've helped you personalize your laptop with no stress to your IT department, it's time to grab a coffee and get coding.


