Do you abide by the rules?

Do you abide by the rules?

You may be remote from your office but your behavior and appearance are still on show. Poor or discourteous behavior will always be noticed even though it may not be remarked upon.

Here are my suggestions for being a courteous online meeting participant:

? A few days before the meeting make sure you know the meeting time for your location if the host is in a different region or country from you.

? Do your tech checks (camera & mic) at least 30 mins before the scheduled meeting. 

? Enter the waiting room a few minutes before the session. As with in-person meetings punctuality shows respect and personal organisation.

? Make a note of the speaker's name so you can address them by name.

? Try to attend the meeting in a location where you will not be distracted or a distraction.

? Turn your camera on - yes, that means you need to put some effort into your appearance and surroundings. A camera off begs the questions: why? what are you doing? and are you even there? 

? Light your area as well as possible so you can be seen.

? Don't eat - a coffee or tea is OK, but that's all.

? Mute your microphone if you are not speaking. Extraneous noises are very distracting to everyone.

? When not taking notes look at the screen. Give the speaker your full attention. Don't do anything you wouldn't do at a face-to-face meeting.

? If you wish to take a photo or screenshot ask permission first.

? If you wish to speak or ask a question, raise your hand unless you have been asked to send questions in the chatbox.  

? Look interested and actively participate.

If your personal brand could use a little polish a professional image consultation will help you establish the brand reputation you're seeking. Contact me to find out more.

#MeetingEtiquette #VirtualMeetings #ZoomMeetingsEtiquette #ProfessionalImage #SocialSavvy #EtiquetteTips  #TaraHooper  #thestylesignature


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