Do the Worst First
The thing you're dreading most is sapping mental, physical, and spiritual energy from you. Because you're letting that thing linger, you have less will to tackle the other goals you have for yourself.
A friend's mother used to tell him this. He passed it along to me and I adopted it. When I'm stuck or start to feel discouraged, I do a mental scan of what that worst thing might be.
"Do the worst first" is a shortened version of a line from Mark Twain. He said, "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning." Brian Tracy wrote a book playing off Twain's metaphor titled Eat that Frog.
I believe we have a limited reserve of will and it must be guarded and replenished. So what is one step toward addressing and solving the worst thing that you're facing?