Do This When You Are Up Against A Deadline

Do This When You Are Up Against A Deadline

Sales kick-off, pending mergers, and last-minute changes to product launches. Those are a few of the deadlines that are looming for my clients right now and here is how to best prepare yourself and team to get across the finish line:

1. Get advice from those who have been there, done that, and got results. Always be asking and listening for advice from those who have actual experience so they can give you context-sensitive advice not just be a cheerleader. 

2. Delay, defer, and dump any distractions. Get clear on what can wait and what is absolutely necessary for right now. 

3. Get ready to celebrate. Take a pause between deadlines and make sure you memorialize your success before you run after the next big initiative. Your team will thank you for it. 

As my own deadline for the manuscript for my second book is due to my publisher, I often learn the most from my clients as I’m giving them advice. I have to sometimes have to remind myself to practice what I teach! So next week I’ll be off to celebrate in Palm Springs with a few of my closest girlfriends. 


Dedicated to growing your business,


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