Do what you LOVE and you never need a holiday
Marie Alessi ??
The Power of Grief ?? | Keynote Speaker | Memorial Celebrant | Cycle Breaker
Well... I generally agree wholeheartedly, as I LOVE what I do with all my heart. And what I do can take a lot of my energy, it requires me to be present with my heart and mind wide open. So, if I would never take a holiday, I would still be exhausted - even though I LOVE what I do.
The festive season is a given opportunity for holidays - yet I never step away from what I do for too long. Why? Because it is who I am, who I have become, the ME I have created since growing up - with everything I have experienced in life. The beauty, the Love, the adversities.
I have chosen who I want to become on this journey we call life.
I have also learned that SelfLove is the base for any success - relationships, business, growth - you name it. Nothing is successful long term, if it doesn't start with you making sure that you are taken care of. It is your utmost responsibility in life.
So, in the spirit of SelfLove I have learned to pause when I feel that there's more energy going out than flowing in. I have learned to use that pause to reflect. And then I took it a step further: I dared to just BE; in that pause.
Just BEING and doing nothing was a new concept for me; and it was magical.
I learned in that pause - in the just being - to truly enjoy and value who I have become - and how far I have come in life. I learned to appreciate and be deeply grateful for all the hidden gifts in adversity; the friendships, my inner circle, myself.
For this season I wish you the magical pause; where everything slows down - it's like watching your life in slow motion - where you can witness your loved ones, take them into your heart, and feel the gratitude flowing in. You can choose your soundtrack, the angle and perspective.
This is your life.
What a gift.
With Love,
PS: if you're dealing with grief, and feel you're on the other side of magic, please do feel free to reach out to me! There's enough space in my heart and calendar to fit you in around my pauses :)
Taking time to rest is so important, even when you love what you do.?