Do What You Do and Get What You Got
Christopher R. Lashley
Attorney/ Entrepreneur CEO/Legal Counsel - Country Estate Kennel Practice Manager - Lashley Animal Hospital Rotarian Head Soccer Coach
Many people have laid claim to the quote, "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always got." Mark Twain, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, and even Tony Robbins have used this quote at some point in their life. It's not a new revelation. Yet it seems that it is forgotten frequently.
The path to success on any level starts with something new. Be it a new job, a new dream, or just a new project, something new must occur to lead us to our destiny. Yet as obvious as that statement seems, many people are not open to the concept. Fear, rumors. the experiences of others, they all empower us in a negative way. They all aid us in building resistance to the concept. A resistance that ultimately leads us to stagnation.
If you want to achieve success in anything, you must accept that what has gotten you to this point in life isn't working if you haven't accomplished your dreams. You must understand that while you can learn from others in a general sense, no two experiences are the same. You must also realize that you have to be vulnerable in order to grow. Without this mindset, your path will remain the same.
Now, take a deep breath, It's time to shirk the resistance to trying something new. Forget about the results others have had. This is your time. Positive outcomes await you.
Now Go Be Successful!