Do what you can, with what you have, where you are
Is there anything keeping you awake at night right now?? Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t.? I’m sure at some time in your life there has been something?? And it can swirl around in our minds can’t it.? We can’t always get a hold on it, it can feel a bit like a mist.? And it can pop up when we least expect it, distracting us from our day or from our sleep.? And if it pops up at night, it can be really hard to get it out of our head or at least park it so that we can get back to sleep.? And when our sleep’s been interrupted, we feel tired all day and then it seems to pop in and out of our heads even more randomly.? It can then become a vicious circle.? The less we sleep the more things pop into our minds, unsettling them and the more unsettled we become, the less we sleep and so on and so on.
So why do things swirl around?? Well often it’s because we’re worried about that thing or those things.?And sometimes we're worrying about the unknown or the uncertain. Here's an example: I had a health scare some years ago.? Totally unexpected and very worrying.? My head filled with all sorts of unhelpful thoughts about what the future might hold, what I might have done to cause the problem in the first place, what I should do now to help myself get better.? And I kept waking up in the night with all those questions floating round my head.? The truth is I had no answers and that was what was causing me the anxiety.? Questions, but no answers.? And so I went in search of answers.? I did it two ways – I did some research myself and I spoke to everyone who might know something about it all.? I spoke to a variety of other experts and requested to meet with some more.? In short I had done everything that was within my control to actually do and I have approached as many people as I can.? And then I could sleep at night.? I have some answers and more are coming.? I knew I'd done everything, directly and indirectly, to address my concerns.
Knowing the question is half the battle, knowing who to speak to or where to look to find the answers is the other. And where do you start? Well the simple answer to that is to start where you can.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Theodore Roosevelt