Do What You Do Best, Delegate the Rest

Do What You Do Best, Delegate the Rest

The best thing you can do for your business is to recognize what your true strength is and make the most of it. That means not doing everything else that your business needs.? Yes, when you start out you need to do all kinds of things because you don’t have processes in place, and cash flow hasn’t given you the freedom to delegate.? You are scrambling to fill all the different roles, when you know it would be better if someone else was doing so many of the things. Still, it’s a good opportunity to learn exactly what you need and what you don’t, and to find out how processes work.


Then, when you do have the ability to hire or collaborate with other people, you do so. As a plus, you know what you truly need, and you can have lean and efficient processes.? Now at last you can lean into your true strengths and apply them.


This doesn’t only apply to business ownership, however.? It also is true for teams and collaborations. I’ve been in team situations where people were doing things that weren’t really the best use of their time, and it would have been better to outsource the role and get better traction in a project management flow.? It’s frustrating and people don’t feel valued. Worse yet, the project goes sideways, and nobody is happy about the resulting lack of coherent discussions, not to mention the results of the work flow.? Ugh.


How much better it is when you know exactly what you are good at, and you make it clear to everybody that you will be doing that, and you expect that to be your role, and not some other role that needs to be filled by someone. That someone is not you.?


When I work on a book project, for example, I don’t try to fill the role of a book designer or a formatter.? I’m very happy to send the work over to my collaborator who does a great job, and the book comes out great, instead of having me go insane trying to do something that is not my true strength.? I’m all about words and language, and I support people in other areas of the project such as branding, SEO, and so forth, by combining our gifts and talents to produce great results for clients.


Do what you do best and find other people who can fill the other roles. You will give better results to your clients, and you will have a happier and more productive workday.

If you’d like to know more about what my team and I can accomplish for you in your business process, reach out and let’s have a conversation.


