Do what is right, not what is easy!
This is an excellent post; please take the time to read it:
“Such debatable and teachable moments we've been witnessing during the last week as our senate committee members have wrestled in deciding to recommend Judge Brett Kavanaugh for a Supreme Court Justice position for life. The hearing on Thursday and the committee members debate on Friday illustrates what a deeply divided country we live in today. Both proved to be extreme political theater that may have been enjoyable to watch were the ultimate consequences of their process not been so damaging to not only the two being interviewed, but us all! And, it is still ongoing.
My take away from all of this is as follows:
Young people should realize that the choices they make during their teen years regarding alcohol, drugs, sex, dating, parties, posting on all social media including texts can have lasting consequences that may greatly influence their later life’s success, job and marriage opportunities, happiness, and the like.
It is essential that women and men report any type of assault or abusive action when it occurs to police, parents, counselors or other responsible adults immediately. Dr. Ford appeared to have been traumatized by an event at age 15, but, her memory fails her on pertinent details that are essential 36 years later and allow the public in general to judge the event perhaps inaccurately based on their own personal experiences or lack thereof.
Each of us has the responsibility to make choices in life and live our lives in such a way that we are able to be believed in all circumstances; but also, to show compassion for those who make mistakes knowing that there is a path to redemption, recovery and a positive future even for those who stumble and err at whatever age.
Accusations need genuine corroborating evidence to be pursued by the justice system. Hearsay, assumptions and accusations alone ruin people’s lives and can be misused by others for their own purposes.
The ‘Believe All Women’ mantra can prove to be a generalization that doesn’t recognize that there are indeed unscrupulous women who would lie, just as there are men who would do so.
Our nation has allowed the three separate branches of government to become intermingled and manipulated for political purposes by those who are supposed to represent the people; but, instead represent their own political ambitions and party agendas.
Many of our federal representatives are more focused on party politics and their own ability to be re-elected than on ensuring that our government functions effectively for the people of this country. True statesmen assess issues based on what is best for the nation and serve the will of the people expressed by their voting voice.
Social media and biased news reporting inflame the unnecessary rhetoric surrounding this most important decision to be made by congress. Facebook widens the divide among friends and relatives as folks post their unfiltered opinions and positions that are often uninformed, manipulated by memes posted by others, and leave lasting unintended impressions of their thoughtlessness.
My solution and personal recommendation:
Have important, calm, objective conversations with your children and grandchildren about all this.
Prayerfully seek God’s will in the outcome of the decisions to be made by congress on this issue and commit to pray for our leaders, Dr. Ford and her family, and Judge Kavanaugh and his family.
Commit to being an informed voter and elect men and women of honor who are more concerned about serving the people of this nation than personal demagoguery, maintaining their position of power or necessarily following party lines.
I respect that there will be those who disagree with me or misinterpret my meaning and intention…I reserve the right on my own site to remove negative or disparaging comments and hope that real friends understand that, when disturbed or offended by their posts, I simply scroll on and try to understand where they may be coming from.”
Podcast Host of Once a Nurse, Always a Nurse--International Nurse Connector/Influencer:
6 年Well said.