Do What is Necessary
Zoe Martin
Magical & Messy Motherhood - mentoring and guiding the woman behind the mother to her FREEDOM
Time does not stop while I am sorting out the kids' support workers and adjusting this and that.
Emails keep coming in while I am mapping out my client schedules for the month.
Food is being eaten out of the cupboard as I am creating the shopping list for the week.
I had big plans for this week.
You know the story…I was going to achieve this and that and finally sort all that other stuff out.
I’m autistic/ADHD-er and I can create some pretty impressive plans and to do lists.
I can set expectations for myself at this time of the year that are not within my capabilities.
I am literally setting myself up for failure.
It’s the last week of the school term.
The family is hanging in.
I am taking the first week of the school holidays off completely.
Having my own company and unplugging completely for a week requires a lot of planning.
Did I tell you I am neurodivergent? Oh, yes I did. Good.
I have realised that this last week of school term I set myself tasks that are impossible really.
I act like I am a neurotypical CEO.
Create the to-do list and smash it out why don’t ya???
Did I tell you I have PDA?
I avoid demands. Actually, my brain avoids demands.
When I am experiencing overwhelm, my PDA kicks in big time.
If you are still following along, my PDA in the lead-up to school holidays is generally in full swing as Team Martin is under the pump and I am at the centre of that.
Mum. Mum. Mum. Mum. Mum.
Demand. Demand. Demand.
I’m in high demand as a mother so my capacity to attend to other demands gets lower.
I start avoiding things within my work.
The jobs that are challenging for me to do.
The tasks I don’t want to do.
It sucks.
I am an intelligent, mature grown woman.
The more I have sat in my PDA brain and the more knowledge I gain, the easier I can see the patterns.
Enter COVID and we are in lockdown and the kids have finished school a week early.
I don’t have the last week of school term to complete the to do list I was never going to be able to complete anyway.
1 year ago I would have been hating on myself and that would show up in me being irritate and frustrated with my children at different times.
Today, I can see it with clarity.
My plan for this week is in the rubbish - literally.
Here is what I am going to do -
Do what is necessary.
What ever can wait until 12th April can wait until the 12th April.
Hang out with my kids.
Walk more.
Worry about work less.
Let me amygdala know that I am aware of my PDA traits.
Meditate more.
Delegate more.
I’m not a neurotypical business owner.
I am a neurodivergent business owner.
Massive difference.
I love when I get these AH-HA moments.
I can stop running from myself.
I can stop and face all that I am and live from my heart.
If your child is a PDA-er too, I hope this insight can bring a little more peace to you as a parent.
If you want to ask me anything, please do.
Together we can get through hard things.