Do we really need a Mars Shot?
I wonder why we leave our deserts barren when we can populate and forest them relatively easily compared to terraforming Mars. Imagine if the deserts where green? Do you think that would cool down the earth? Mmhmmm. We can create water from sunlight / solar now by extracting humidity from air , batteries are cheap , we can terraform the earth's deserts 1000 times easier and cheaper and faster than Mars. So why don't we do that before spending 1% of Global GDP on Mars? Imagine the economic growth from increasing the green space of the earth's deserts. So called overpopulation would not be a factor any longer. The renewable energy future that has arrived presents these opportunities if we expand our minds to see the possibilities....Mars can has for quite a long time so far. Giving Elon Musk 1% of planetary GDP to become the “Island of Dr Mareau” version of Brando on Mars as he sees out his days seems like an awfully expensive funeral for a man who claims he may be an Alien in a simulation who is also here to save us all from the #Demon AI whilst simultaneously putting computer chips is peoples heads #neuralink and hooking them up to SkyNet AKA T2 Judgment Day #Starlink. #BoredCEO #Mars #Elon