Do We Really Need Antivirus?
Antivirus is a program that identifies unrecognised and unauthorised programs as suspicious.
Some Antivirus allows programs to be run been as recognised and some not.
there are Daily thousands of duplicate viruses born each day with different names.
The question is do we need to buy Antivirus and we need it or not.
There are free antivirus which provides protection but if a bad virus attacks it destroys O.S
there are paid antivirus with which protects from unrecognised software.
there are more protections that provide additional features such as web filtering and privacy protection and firewall, anti spam.
Is that mean we need to buy antivirus. Windows 10 has built-in Antivirus
But windows 7 is more secure than windows 10.
Once the Windows is Obsolete attackers stop aiming to that O.S.
To Protect from viruses,malware, Trojan you must have knowledge of using computer.
if you don't know the use of computer you need antivirus.
what virus can do is get your data, get the text you write and get the screen of your computer, use your microphone and speaker
how they get in your O.S is wrong email, while browsing, while downloading wrong application and while watching porn other way is by wrong email attachment and spams.
How Antivirus works is it block spams through keywords, it blocks programs by unauthorised recognition, by accidental click while browsing and exploit by another computer by already affected computer.
Simply if you are aware of how threats attacks you don't need antivirus.
Other wise Buy Antivirus.
Best Regards,
Usman Kaleem