Do We Really Evaluate People in ten seconds??
Malcolm Gladwell (NYT and author of myriad books), in 2005, wrote a book entitled Blink. His contention is that in the first few seconds of meeting someone, we categorize them: cute/dumb/fat/interesting/tall/short, etc, etc.. The point is that it doesn't take our grey matter long to make an assessment which it does in seconds. Most of us have an amygdala that controls what we say (except our President). My point is that with our BLM movement, we all need to be aware when we immediately define someone and realize HOW much it defines our profile of this person. When we see someone not exactly like us (likelihood??), we tend to define these these folks based on history/family messages/our perceptions based on the previous. Bottom line? Next time you see or hear about someone who is not exactly like you, PLEASE, take TEN seconds (amount of time it took you to evaluate this person ) and force yourself to imagine that this person is a mid-forties Caucasian female. Sill the same assumptions? I think not! Hopefully, this will allow you to broaden your "initial categorizations"- to broaden and expand. Time for change that IS accomplishable because WE control our own behaviors!!!!
Organizational Consultant
4 年I keep focusing on a Michael Jackson song: "I'm looking at the man in the mirror and I'm hoping he can make that change".