Do Vending Machine Owners Pay for Locations? is Ireland’s leader for convenience self-service solutions.
One of the most crucial elements of a successful vending machine business is picking the right location. As much as possible, you want your vending machines in densely populated areas. Places like schools and offices where there are a lot of potential buyers are prime spots. This is why operators are willing to pay just to be able to secure such areas.
Not all locations come with a price, though. If you are good at hunting, you might find several key locations where you can put up this machine for free.
Common Locations for Starting a Vending Machine Business
In addition to the steady foot traffic, you must also look at the marketability of your vending items in particular locations. A vape vending machine, for instance, might not do very well in the gym. On the other hand, that could be the perfect spot for a healthy snacks vending machine. In any case, here are some of the common locations you can consider for starting a this business, and the possible fees that you might have to pay for the location.
At Your Own Business
If you own a business, then you obviously don’t have to pay for the place. For instance, if you have an apartment building, you can put a snack vending machine in the lobby for your tenants.
Inside a Private Establishment
Oftentimes, vending machine operators would like to put a machine in an establishment owned by someone else. A mall is a good example. You would definitely want to capitalize on the steady stream of shoppers, who are also potential vending machine customers. Before you can do that, you would have to seek permission from the mall owner, and most likely pay rent for the space.
In a Public Area
Whether you have to pay for putting this machine in a public area depends on the city or town jurisdiction. First, you need to find out if these machines are even allowed in the area. If so, the government might not necessarily charge for rent. However, it is likely that you will have to pay for a permit or business license in order to operate.
How Do Vending Machine Operators Pay for Location?
The payment schemes for vending machine locations vary on a case to case basis. The most common arrangement is for this machine owner to pay a fixed rent to the location owner. It could be monthly or weekly, depending on what is agreed upon.
Another common way to pay for vending machine space is by commission. Some property owners ask for a certain percentage of the sales from your machine. This can be a bit tricky and you have to make sure there is enough left to make a decent profit.
In addition to the location fee, keep in mind that you will also have to shoulder utility expenses. Depending on your arrangement, this could be a fixed amount per month. Alternatively, you might use a submeter to determine your consumption.
If you have questions on vending machine locations, visit the website. We have a wealth of information on vending, and we can also help you set up your new vending business!