Do these STEPS to GET RESULTS!! ????
As members of the Get Lean Club we all have very common goals:
- fit into our jeans,
- lose inches around our waist,
- get rid of those unwanted pounds we put on over the last 5-10 years ago,
- have more energy,
- have a clear mind and
- sleep better
Each weekly newsletter is meant to help you get closer to your goal and that is why I also created the Get Lean Club on Facebook along with the Simple Intermittent Fasting Journal.
Even though we all have similar goals, we all have different reasons WHY we are doing these goals.
- Have the energy to spend time with our kids or grand-kids,
- Be alive to see our kids/grand kids grow up
- Live a disease free life
- Not rely on prescription drugs
- Have more confidence in the bedroom and in day to day activities (golf, gardening, walking stairs...etc)
Reaching these goals are all about taking daily steps and putting TIME on your side!
Position your DAILY ACTIONS so time is working for you instead of against you.
Because time will either promote you or expose you.
In today's world, everyone wants to go directly from plant to harvest. For example, we plant the seed by joining the gym and then get frustrated when a few days go by and there's no fitness harvest (weight loss).
- You must plant (join the gym or make a daily salad), cultivate(consistent actions over time - eat a daily salad/workout 3-4 times a week) and finally you harvest (lose weight or inches around your waist)
So what daily actions can you start taking today to put you on right side of the success curve?
Stay away from processed foods (breads, cereals, pastas, rice, pastries, buns)
- Replace with vegetables and occasional seasonal fruits
Avoid sugar (soft drinks, candy, cookies, sports drinks, juice, ice cream)
- Drink water (mostly), tea or black coffee (eat 72% cocoa or higher dark chocolate for a treat)
Do something active at least 3-4 days a week (walk/run/lift)
- Get a dog, workout partner or trainer - always easier when you have someone to hold you accountable
Make sleep a priority (find the amount of hours that is your sweet spot)
- Set an alarm at night an hour before bed to turn off all devices (read, meditate or take a bath)
Find time for yourself (meditate, yoga, read, play an instrument, learn something new)
- You deserve "me" time for your own well being and mental health
Space out time between your meals (control insulin by not eating/snacking all day)
- Try intermittent fasting or just eat 3 meals per day with no snacking.
No matter what you have done in your life up until today, no matter where you are - you can start fresh, building positive daily patterns to help you reach your goals.
Have a great day :)
- Brian
P.S. Join the Get Lean Club to get your questions answered and more tips!
P.S.S. - Check out this testimonial that Dr. Josh emailed me regarding using the Simple Intermittent Fasting Journal
As a doctor, this is one of the first diets that really makes sense. By fasting for 18 hours, thus letting your body's fat stores naturally break down to convert to carbs, helps one lose weight and tone up without having to work out like crazy and restricting yourself from eating during all 3 meals.
I have been doing the 18 hour intermittent fasting diet for the last 6 weeks, usually from 6pm to noon the next day. I have felt better and healthier doing it, i have not really felt very hungry (maybe some grumbing from 10-noon). I have toned up and lost weight without really working out more than my typical 3 times a week for about an hour doing some weights and cardio.
For me, it is an easy diet to follow by taking food completely out of the equation from the evening to the next morning, there are no calories to count, no foods to restrict yourself completely from in that window since no food is allowed.
I highly recommend it to anyone to give it a try!
thanks again,
Dr. Josh