Do something about the problems of others | Fola Daniel Adelesi

Do something about the problems of others | Fola Daniel Adelesi

Do something about the problem of others. One of the ways to start business without capital is to do something about the problems of other people. Look around you today or think about the billionaires that you know in the world today.

?Top 10 billionaires, top 20 billionaires, billionaires globally, billionaires in your country, you'd realize that there is something they did or that they are still doing that made them billionaires. They are doing something about the problems of other people. If you do something about the problems of other people, you'll be providing a solution for them, you'll become useful to your society, and you're putting some money in your own pocket.

?It's very important for you to do something about the problems of others because doing something about the problems of others is one of the easiest ways to make money. So, you must look at what other people have a problem with, look at their challenges, look at where they are struggling, look at where they don't know what to do or there's something they can't just get right and do something about it. So long as you're doing something about the problem of other people, I can tell you, it will be easy to make a lot of money.

?Today, we talk about those billionaires, we talk about Bill Gates, we talk about Jeff Bezos, we talk about Mark Zuckerberg, and look at all of them, they are providing a solution for us. What solution are you providing? What are you doing for other people? What are you doing that makes life easier for someone? So long as you're doing something that makes life easier for someone, they will be ready to pay for it. So, think about a service that can make life easier for other people.

?Think about a product that can make life easier for other people. You should also think about how to create systems, structures, multinational businesses. Of course, you start very small, but think big about creating a solution for the problems that other people are already dealing with.

?So long as you think about other people and solve their problems, then you will also be solving your own financial problems, you'll be solving your worries, you'll be taking care of your personal needs. Now here's a smart thing to do. It's to put other people first.

?If you put yourself first, you will stay stuck with your problem. If you put yourself first, you will continue to have money worries. If you put yourself first, you will always still have those issues.

?But when you put other people first, solve their problems, deal with their issues, then it becomes easier for you to start solving your problem. I've seen it work like magic. When you put other people first, some of those things that you are dealing with can eventually be solved.

?In fact, I've seen some people who never knew that helping someone else would solve their own problem. They were just being nice. They were just trying to help somebody out.

?But in the process of helping someone else, it eventually helped their own problem. I even had a friend several years ago. The way this friend got a job was just by being nice to an elderly man.

?He saw this elderly man, helped him out with his luggage, and as he was helping with the luggage, the elderly man struck the conversation, Oh, how are you? What do you do? Where are you right now? And this person said, Oh, I'm still looking for a job. So please take my card, call me. And the rest is history as they say.

?Today, that friend has a job just because he was helping with someone else. So, helping other people, providing a solution to the challenges of other people will solve your own problems eventually. It either solves your problem directly or they pay you for the problems that you solve, and you eventually use that money to solve your own problems.

?So, think about it. When you look at what other people are dealing with and you become the solution provider, you ultimately get something for it and then solve your own problems. So that's why it is not only a statement to say, be selfless, think about other people.

?It is a sensible thing. It is a smart thing. It's even a business decision to put all the people before you and solve their own problems, which will help you to eventually solve your own problems.


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Fola Daniel Adelesi

FDA Speaks professionally, Trains Effectively, Delivers great keynotes & Comperes humorously | 13 books & counting.

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