Do Something Long Enough, You’ll See Everything At Least Once

Do Something Long Enough, You’ll See Everything At Least Once

This phrase comes from one of my trusted ‘mishpucha’ investor clients, and boy was he right! – Thanks A.G. ?? 

Having been recruited to a startup boutique financial firm in 2001 by a young investment banker who was still green himself, I didn’t imagine seeing all that I’ve witnessed in the financial services industry and microcap markets over the past 19 years. And yet, it still feels like my journey is just getting started.

Leaving one decade and entering another inspires me to examine the amazing strides in my life – both my failures and successes; good-times and struggles. While I don’t typically make ‘resolutions’, it’s important for me to continue becoming the best version of myself – welcoming challenges, crushing adversities, and ultimately, inspiring humanity. In doing this, I aim to support each of you – my friends, colleagues and family –  in becoming the best version of yourselves, as well.

Let’s try our best to see life with ’20/20’ vision this decade. That includes the social challenges, political divisiveness, economic inequalities and the many injustices that we must tackle with a united front. Let’s all be mindful that we can succeed financially, while still doing good for humanity and supporting one another in compassionate friendship (they aren’t mutually exclusive). Let’s establish new and interesting relationships, while fostering older ones and eliminating unsuitable ones. Learn and always be willing/wanting to learn more.

A special and personal thank you is in order for Troy Prince and Tyrone Ross, for being amongst those who inspired me to take up another mantle this year. I am hopeful that my friends and I will prove to be impactful on society this decade, helping to change humanity, one person at a time.

Thank you all




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