Do It For the Right Reasons
Does your organization do safety training/education with the idea of valuing your employees' safety or do you do it because you have to? Believe me, your audience (employees) will be able to tell. Does your upper management - or at least a portion of them - attend as well? Do your admin people attend or do you try to keep it way too small for financial reasons? If your upper management doesn't attend and at least pretend that they value the safety of their employees, SHAME ON THEM. Keeping your employees safe is not an option but an expectation from the employees, your insurance companies, OSHA, and it is important for those in upper management to attend and be involved. I have worked at a couple of places that did very little (one did a little and one did no safety training) and it was known by the employees that safety was not important to management - exemplified by the way many were performing their jobs.....If it wasn't such as serious thing, it was almost comedic.... I will not allude any further than that but it was not good and to get the ownership/management to even attend safety meetings/education training was difficult. And I know from talking with others around the country, there are a lot more outfits that coincide with these two outfits.
Train/Educate/Value your people because without them, most places are nothing...If you think they will not notice that you treat safety education/training as a chore rather than an opportunity, you will be surprised and that has an negative effect on Safety, Quality, Integrity, and Engagement to name a few. Do the right thing..... #ITISNEVERTOOBUSYTOBESAFE #complacencyisourenemy
Thank you for your time
John Wallace - President - Safety With A Passion, LLC