Do private labels really exist?
A few decades old chart I found about branding. Source unknown.

Do private labels really exist?

I do not think so. At least not anymore. I found the above chart in one of my old lecture about branding. What marketeers started to call the own brands of retailers, became fully fledged BRANDS. Competing for the same hearts, minds and wallets. And to make matter even worse, on many instances, produced by same manufacturers based on same technologies and standards. Self-destructive, unless one change or separate business models. But that is a separate debate.

The naming is important. Like the story about the duck - look, sound, must be. To my surprise I still see presentations where a brand market share is being presented on a sub-segment called Branded. Looking much better, of course. Bundling the rest of 70-90% of market into one category labeled PL, or at best RB. This ignorance is one of the cause why it is so difficult for many companies to find and prove relevant positioning for their brands. The Private Labels or Retail Brands are BRANDS like any other ones. Accept it, study their full positioning and draw them on competitive maps.

Back to the charts I found. What strikes me is that all the differentiators, that were considered back then, are now almost or fully closed but price. One can argue that Aspiration is, and will be, the remaining price justification. Aspiration, a value above what is expected. A reason to buy what others makes. Or even how others make it. Finding value in aspiration. That is what makes brands. Mind and heart in harmony that opens a wallet.

So when you witness a market overview showing NB versus PL/RB please ask for a real picture. A picture that represents all brands in minds, hearts and wallets of people. That shall be a good start for more great brands.


