Do This One Thing To Get What You Want
Allen Kennedy Brouwer
Founder & CEO of WithLove - Bringing "Harmony to the Home"
Provide Solution. It’s That Simple.
Whether in business or everyday life, you can get anything you want by listening and finding out what other people want.
So practice doing the following:
- Listen to what people want.
- Find out what they need, what their desires are.
- Pinpoint a common painful problem.
- Then provide a solution.
Give value first. And you’ll be rewarded.
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What’s up, everybody?
It’s getting late here. It’s going on… It’s past eight o’clock, which means normally it’s 10 o’clock back home, but Lauren and I, we’re just about to go out and have a late dinner.
But today was freaking awesome, and the reason being was because we got to go fishing…
Where did we go fishing? Deep sea fishing, and we caught a bunch of fish.
Lauren: Like 10 miles offshore.
Yeah, we went 10 miles offshore.
Lauren: 15 bonito.
And we caught, we ended up catching 15 bonito fish.
Tracy, welcome to the live stream.
But how did we get to go fishing?
So let me backtrack a little bit. We’re in Cabo San Lucas right now, in Mexico, and one thing that I wanted to do the entire time that we were here – I said we have to go fishing, and we need to go deep sea fishing on a big boat.
Let’s go out on a big boat, because who wants to go out on a small boat, right? No one wants to go out on a small boat.
So how do we go out on a big boat?
Well, the thing here, they don’t let you buy a one-seater on a big boat. You need to rent the whole boat yourself. So, it’s either you rent the small boat, or you rent a big boat.
They don’t let you rent a seat on a big boat. Well, me, being someone who wants to go out on a big boat, I’m thinking, “Okay, how can I get a big boat for the price of a small boat?”
I’m thinking to myself, “Okay, how do we do this?” We found people in our hotel, and I asked them, “Hey, when did you get here? What are you doing? What are you planning on doing? What’s going on? What are you planning to experience while you’re here?”
So we’re at this new hotel. We’ve been here for less than 24 hours, and I’m asking people what they’re trying to experience during their time in Cabo. When they tell me, “Oh, we would like to go fishing” – obviously, we’re overlooking a marina.
That’s most people’s first reaction. “Oh, I probably wanna get out on a boat. I wanna go fishing.”
That’s when I come in, and say, “Hey, well, you know, I wanna go fishing too, but to rent a small boat, it’s pretty expensive. Why don’t we go on a big boat together and split the cost? How’s that sound?”
“You know, I didn’t really wanna go out by myself, anyway, and it was pretty expensive just to go with me and my wife.” Or “My wife didn’t even wanna go, so it was just gonna be me, and I didn’t wanna go anyway.” That’s a couple of responses that people would say.
But because I came in and said, “Hey, what are you trying to get out of your experience?” and I found that they wanted to go fishing, and they wanted to go out on a boat, I came in and I said, “Hey, well, I’ve got the ultimate solution. I wanna go out too. How ’bout we get a big boat?”
It increases the experience. It makes the experience more enjoyable, and it makes your time more enjoyable. But guess what? It’s a fraction of the cost.
That’s how Lauren and I were able to go out on a 45-foot Sportfish this afternoon for –
Lauren: Five hours?
For over five hours, and we caught over 15 fish, like game fish – tuna, bonito.
It was phenomenal. And it cost us virtually nothing in order to do that because I found what people wanted. I provided a solution, and I made those two come together, and we were able to make it happen for us to experience an opportunity that we wanted to experience for virtually nothing.
That’s just one example of many things that happened in our life, and in your life, too.
This goes back to when I had my digital agency, my consultancy. Customers or clients would tell me, “Allen, I need more customers to come to my website. Allen, my website sucks. How do I get sales based on visitors to come in? How do I capture leads? How do I follow up with them?”
Well, it’s simple.
Find out what they need, what their ultimate problem is, and then fill that need with a solution, and guess what? Most times, people will pay you for that solution.
So Cathryn and I, if you’re watching this in BestSelf Alliance right now, you have goals that you want to achieve. Cathryn and I, we have goals that we want to achieve. Many of our friends have goals that they want to achieve.
Well, how do they achieve these goals? How do they get to the person… How do they transform themselves to the person that they want to be, or how do they transform their lives to the lives that they envision themselves?
We provide a solution for that – that is the Self Journal.
That’s our products. That’s our material. That’s our training. That’s our courses. That’s the Motivation Monday emails that we send out. We provide a solution or a pathway for that.
Thank you, Keith.
It’s very simple to have everything that you want in life, and if you just transform your mindset or the framework that you have in your mind from how do I get what I want to what do other people want in their lives that I can provide that will work twofold and provide me with whatever I want.
So for example, Lauren, my wife, she wants to have natural skincare. She can’t find anything in the market that suits her needs as far as a skin cream and anti-aging cream that’s all natural. All the stuff that she finds has preservatives, chemicals, just crap…
(Allen laughs)
Cody, I will start streaming if my wifi would work that well. I’ll let you know if it’s gonna work that well tomorrow on my plane home, but it is actually gonna be late. It’s gonna be a red-eye, so I don’t know if anyone’s actually going to do that.
Keith, always be the one to give 51% in the relationship. Yes, if you give more than you take, you’re going to receive more regardless, whether that’s more connections, whether that’s money, whether that’s just more abundance or more happiness, if you’re the one to give…
Raj, thank you for joining.
If you’re the one to give in the relationship, you’re going to receive regardless.
So for those that are just jumping in now, we’re in Cabo. We went out fishing on a 45-foot Sportfish that normally cost thousands of dollars to rent for the day. Lauren and I said, we wanna do it, but I don’t really feel like spending thousands of dollars to go out and rent this thing.
How can we get out there for virtually nothing? I talked to a couple people that had just arrived to the resort. “Hey, what are you looking to do while you’re here? Well, I wanna get out on a boat.”
Obviously, that’s the first thing that comes to mind, because we’re in a marina. That’s what they say. And I say, “Perfect. Me, too.” What if, you know, and then I say, “You know, I went down to the marina. I got hassled by all these people.”
Lauren: Oh my gosh.
Left and right. They were trying to rip us off the entire time, and what if we pooled together and rented a boat together and not just a small boat, but a big boat, and we’ll have a better experience. We’ll have a more enjoyable time. We’ll have a better crew, a better captain, and that’s what happened. We did it.
We rented a big boat. We had a better experience. We had a better captain and a better crew. They put us over fish. We caught over 15 feet today. We actually limited out, which means we caught so many fish that we couldn’t keep any more.
We actually had to start sending… We had to actually start releasing the ones that we caught because we were over the limit of how many we could catch. We had so many fish we ended up giving fish to the captain, to the crew, and we took the rest and had a phenomenal meal, but for a fraction of the price, and that goes with anything.
So if you’re looking to start your business, whether it’s a consultancy, whether you’re looking to launch a product online, or whether you’re looking to just go fishing or on vacation and experience something, find out what other people want. And then fill that need that also benefits you – whether it’s time, whether it’s experience, whether it’s money.
Whatever it is, you’ll be rewarded. So find out what people want.
If they want more business from their online website, give them a website that generates leads for them, and guess what, they’ll pay you for that.
That’s how I got started.
If they want to accomplish their goals, if they want to achieve something big in their life, provide them a product or a service or a course that lets them get to whatever goal that is.
If they want natural skincare, if they want products that they can’t find anywhere else.
What’s up, Chris? Your brother’s joining us.
Lauren: Hi, Chris.
If they want…
(Lauren laughs)
If they want skincare products that aren’t chemical-based that aren’t hurting their skin,…
Shoutout from Forked River.
Thanks, Tracy.
Provide them a product that is natural. And guess what? They will pay you for that.
So, it’s all about finding out what other people want, providing that solution…
Cody, I better get more than three hearts, man. Three hearts for me?
(Lauren laughs)
More than three hearts. Come on, dude. Lauren gives me three hearts on an hour basis.
(Allen laughs)
So that’s it.
I just wanted to make this short and sweet. We’re about to go out to dinner, and it’s our last night here, and I promised everybody that I would go live before I left – before Friday came up, so that’s exactly what you need to do in order to get anything that you want in life.
Just give people what they want, and you will be handsomely rewarded for it.
What else? What other ways can you provide people with what they want to get everything that you need?
Lauren: Basically what you said, finding a solution.
Lauren: Finding the solution that you know other people are looking for.
So, here’s a funny one.
So, my neighbor, and I’m…
What’s up, Mike, Michelle. Thank you for all the hearts.
So here’s a funny one.
My neighbor, he just retired, and he actually… He’s going stir crazy. So he just retired. He’s always been a worker. He’s always been doing something. He’s always been working with his hands. He’s a mechanic, but also worked in landscape, like luxury landscaping for golf courses.
He needed something to do to keep himself occupied, and I needed work done in my yard.
(Allen laughs)
So I went to my neighbor. I said, “Hey, hey there” – I’m not gonna say his name – but “Hey there, I know you’re like, you’re retired now and you keep telling me that you’re going crazy.” Or you don’t know what to do and you have all this time on your hands, and you wish you were working, but you really don’t wanna work. And you kinda just wanna do your own thing but at the same time, you’re bored out of your mind.
What if you helped us on our property at our house to help around the house, or around the yard, I should say? And he was like, “Sure, absolutely.”
And guess what? It really doesn’t cost… It’s virtually nothing for me to get extra service from my neighbor who’s actually looking for things to do to kill the time. He doesn’t need the money, but he just wants to do something because he’s going so stir crazy being retired that it keeps him busy, it keeps him working, and it also helps him with… Yeah, it provides value in his life, ’cause he’s like, “Yeah, I actually have meaning and I enjoy what I do.”
He just doesn’t wanna work sixty hours a week anymore, but he can work for us for three to five hours a week. But it’s all about finding what other people want and what their needs are and what opportunities that you can provide them in filling that void.
So that’s it. I’m done talking.
(Lauren laughs)
Cody, let’s see what…
(Allen laughs)
Cody, it’s true, I can’t stop smiling.
Thank you for the hearts. I appreciate it.
(Lauren and Allen laugh)
And Cody, if you do see my wife, you can actually see her reflection right in this window here, and I actually had to close the door because there’s a pirate ship down here…
Lauren: It’s gotten loud.
That’s got a live band going – open it up – it’s got a live band going.
Oh, they turned it off.
Lauren: Oh, they just, yeah, they just turned it off.
They ended it.
But there’s a pirate ship down there, and they’ve got a live band going, so I had to close it. I wish I could have had it open this entire time. But thank you everyone for joining.
I’m going to end this here. I am gonna go out right now with Lauren. It’s our last night, so we’re gonna go and have dinner. But leave some comments if you’re watching this after the fact, after the live recording, and I will circle in tomorrow and comment and chat with you about this – about other things – and yeah, that’s it.
Lauren: Bye, guys! Thanks, everyone.
Lauren says bye. I hope you have a fabulous Friday evening.
This article was originally published on