Do This One Thing In 2018 And You Shall Enjoy Prosperity

Do This One Thing In 2018 And You Shall Enjoy Prosperity

If you're like most ambitious success seekers then you're avidly digesting as much content as you can, trying to keep up with the latest strategies, tactics and guru advice on how to be more in control of your life and manifest more health, wealth, love and happiness.

Many of us have gone from one extreme to the other. 

From never developing personally and professionally [unless the company forced you to attend some team building event] to being a Youtube, and Facebook junkie, binge-watching motivational videos hoping one will finally have the magic bullet that changes everything.

While some of these are good, most of them aren't worth your time.

Often times they do very little to increase your overall wealth, health and prosperity.

Maybe that's part of the reason you've clicked on my article today.

Are you secretly trying to get the one answer that will solve everything?

Let me just say, your intentions are good. I mean, drowning yourself in hours of video and motivational quotes on social media all bad.

And it kind of, sort of works, sometimes..... but dear friend, you'll probably find yourself at the end of this year pretty much struggling with the same issues you have now if something doesn't change. 

If we don't change the direction we're going, we're likely to end up where we're headed. Ancient Chinese proverb.

This isn't my idea of selling you some super cool sexy formula that's going to magically take you from stress and anxiety about your future to massive success.

I'm not even sure anyone can actually do that for you. And if you do know someone who has that "one size fits all" magic bullet for guaranteed prosperity - drop me a message because I want to know them!

This also isn't one of those posts where I teach or share something that is backed by science and use sophisticated terminology so you can think I'm super smart... None of that!

Sorry to disappoint, but this is a simple as it gets. I could share it with a five-year-old and they would get it!

In fact, they would probably apply it more effortlessly too because simplicity is what children like.

But, I am going to boldly believe that at this point, with all the motivational speeches and personal development videos you've watched so far, simplicity is also something you're starting to develop an appreciation for.

Heart to heart is becoming a little more meaningful to you especially when it comes to the deep questions of life.

So rather than making this a long-winded post, how about I spit it out in a single paragraph... no wait, scratch that - in a single statement -

...What I believe to be the one thing you need to do in 2018 if you want to progress and prosper more than the last couple of years. Then you can stick around for the entire post or just be on your way and get cracking.

Seek wisdom and understanding, not magic bullets. In other words, stop looking for new ways to control the circumstances around you [the uncontrollable stuff] and Start investing more of your time, money and resources getting to know and understand yourself!

That's it!

Okay, we're done here.

Feel free to leave at this point and get on with the rest of your life - if you actually understand that single statement.


Yes. Seriously...

You cannot possibly expect to become a self-sufficient individual with a self-sustaining business and career if you don’t take the time to master your inner state. It takes wisdom to gain this mastery.

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them. That only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

The great founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu said that.

It will serve us well to gain an understanding of what those words mean for us as modern day citizens.

Just as there’s a science dealing with the physical world, there’s a science dealing with the inner world.

Time management, stress management, people management, productivity hacks are all topics that get lots of attention.

Countries like the U.S spend billions on corporate training and there’s an estimated 130 billion that’s spent worldwide.

We understand the need for learning how to manage others. But how will you ever succeed at managing others if you can’t even manage yourself? 

The average person is a slave in this world though he/she walks free.

I mean, think about how much time, money and resources we as human beings are investing in all kinds of cool ideas such as Artificial Intelligence, building space shuttles so we can start taking vacation trips outside our planet etc.

Think of how much emphasis we are giving to new technologies like cryptocurrency, and how much time we actually spend debating on who is right in politics, religion and lately, in online marketing.

A lot of time, effort, energy and resources goes into various things in your environment -what you wear, the car you drive, where you kids go to school etc.

....Imagine if you could pour just a fraction of that same intensity into knowing yourself better.

I don't just mean getting personality tests and all that other superficial ego based stuff.

I'm also not referring to getting to know your body type, skin type, hair type or any of the other superficial factors that contribute to our external lives.

I am speaking about really getting to know who you are.

? Who are you really?

? Do you know how or why you exist?

? What is your true potential?

? What makes it possible for you to feel, experience, think and even know that you are alive?

? And if you really do know yourself, what is the meaning of this thing you call your life?

I don't want you to generalize this inquiry. Make it personal.

Make it your own and don't let yourself off the hook with evasive answers.

You don't need to have perfectly formed answers, you just need to start moving in the direction that feels to you - like the answer.

This is the path of wisdom.

If you can take time to sit by yourself in silence with the intention of getting to know yourself more, I am convinced the rest of this year and your life will take on new meaning.


Because the one thing most of us struggle with is - staying still long enough to actively think and ask those deeper questions. Seeking wisdom and personal insight seems to be a really hard topic.

A new friend I recently made came over to my home for a first time visit after I extended a coffee invitation.

Upon arrival, I was sitting by the pool watching the magnificent spectacle of the sunset. Still trying to figure out how every evening the colors are never exactly the same as the day before. It's almost like each day the sky puts on a once in a lifetime event for those mindful enough to attend the show.

I said to him, "Isn't this the most beautiful sight ever? A perfect time to reflect and learn a little more about the part of me I can't see."

He replied "why is this place so quiet? It's like there's nobody here. I could never stay in such a place. I need to be where there's a lot of people and action - you know, the real world."

It's been a while since I met someone with this frame of mind so it really caught me by surprise. But then a little while later when he shared all his woes and how badly his bosses were treating him I wasn't at all surprised.

The point I want to drive home for you is, often we go through a lot of trouble to create distractions and ways of lying to ourselves when the real issue and challenge that each of us will have to face sooner or later is that of - gaining wisdom and mastery over thyself!

Without true knowledge of who you are, what your capacities and powers are, no amount of distractions or outside help will produce outcomes that excite and satisfy you.

Engaging in the simplest activities such as sky gazing or observing with curiosity the nature that surrounds us is usually a great starting point to know of one's current inner state.

Excitement and satisfaction are indeed what you deserve to experience throughout your life. Let no one make you feel guilty for chasing wisdom instead of money.

And the crazy awesome part is the more you chase after wisdom and understanding the more you will experience the good life.

Feeling good. Feeling satisfied. Feeling excited about your life. This is the true divine plan for your life. And with that comes more flow in your love life, your health and well-being, your feeling of connectedness and oh yes - your financial independence.

This is nothing new.

We have been taught since time immemorial by great seers, saints and all sacred teachings that the great secret to life and the starting point of all prosperity is knowing oneself.

Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad, Plato were all attempting in their own way to lead us to the same underlying truth. That we are more than the identities we've attached to ourselves.

Hard as it may be [especially in our overly hyped wildly distracted world], that is the one thing you must do more of in your life.

In our advancing society, this is probably going to be the biggest challenge you set for yourself but the rewards will be more than worthwhile.

Perhaps you need support knowing how to start and how to retrain your mind. If so, then invest in that.

But if you can already set up a good working plan for yourself, I say - what are you waiting for? 

Get on with it now...

Time is of the essence and if you want prosperity to flow in more this year, you can't afford to wait a moment longer.

Know anyone who might benefit from this post? Please pass it on.

Thanks in advance.

Oh. And one more thing... You might wanna check out the links below:

Tapping Into Your Genius And Developing Your Six Superpowers

Deepak Chopra's To Know Yourself - Why It Matters

May you continue to experience peace and prosperity this year.



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