Do It Now
By?James Levin?|?Oct 7, 2022?|?
Procrastination is a part of all of us. We all have those ‘things’ that we just don’t want to do. The list of ‘stuff’ that we push off for tomorrow and tomorrow turns into a week and then a month and before we know it, we just forget……until we realize, or someone reminds us that this NEEDS to be done. In some worlds it’s called a DEADLINE.
Everything in life has a deadline, a TIME LIMIT, an end date, or a target of completion.
Whether at home or work, with rare exception – We are faced with a DEADLINE.
Kids get homework. The teacher will say it’s due Monday. You walk out of a meeting at work and the director says we will reconvene in 3 days – Please have ‘it’ ready for review. It’s the weekend and you have a list of things that need to get done. That’s your deadline. You have a flight and you know you need to be at the airport hours before takeoff – A deadline. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
Deadlines are in most ways, a good thing. It forces us to stick to the game plan. It helps us work towards a shared goal. Deadlines are typically fueled by EXPECTATIONS and that to me is the key. Expectations, GOALS, OBJECTIVES should drive us. So, when you know that you have to ‘get it done’, don’t sit on it – DO IT NOW!