Do Nothing.

Do Nothing.

We're busy doin' nothin' -Workin' the whole day through

Tryin' to find lots of things not to do

We're busy goin' nowhere

Yep, you know that song? It might have just been written for me.

So, because.?

"After almost two years of putting it off,

I've started.

I've committed.

To create a newsletter twice a month to help share my thoughts and inspirations".

I wrote those on the 30th of June last year when I published my first newsletter.

And you know what, I meant it. I really meant it.?

I kept it up for six editions and then fell out of rhythm.?

School holidays or something similar got involved, and my schedule went all out of shape, and I struggled to get back on the horse.

It is like going to the gym; you need to turn up and make a habit of showing up, or you will just stay fat, achy and unfit.?

This writing lark is just like that.?

I scheduled time to do it, but every time that time came up, it would get filled with more important tasks.?

I say more important things, but they are probably just day-to-day.?

These are things that happened to be at the top of my inbox or were asked by the person shouting the loudest.??

You know the Eisenhower Matrix, that quadrant clever people use for prioritisation?

Noting down if something is urgent and important, etc.?

Well, that doesn't work for me - everything is urgent, and everything is important because I will fit some weird rationale to it.?

I then get consumed by a massive feeling of overwhelm and end up getting nothing done because I am too busy trying to reorder my to-do list.?

The really urgent items are completed, and the important items are moved to the bottom of the list or to next week's list.?

- And basically, it ends up getting avoided.?

Recently, I’ve invested in some new self-help books and an online course to help me deal with my sense of overwhelm and ever-busyness.?

You know what? - I’ve been too busy to read them - Oh, the irony..

Thankfully, I now have people who can help me wade through the mire and keep me accountable, but I still, every now and then, find myself falling into old habits and getting very attracted to the new and shiny things that pop up as I get bored very quickly.?

I am chuffed that I am in a role where new things always come up—a new partnership or the chance to expand DLS to a new location or increase the partner ecosystem pops up, and then I am all over it like a rash.??

But I know.

I need to set aside time to write, - because writing and publishing have real benefits. It is urgent and important.?

Not because someone is nagging my inbox and making their priorities my priorities.?

But because when I do

I feel good about myself, and good things happen to me.?

So that's what I am doing - writing daily, weekly, and monthly.?

And hopefully, other people might just benefit.?


How to you manage your urgent and important? - Ensuring you make time for the really important things.?

Until next time.?

Juggling time and commitments is one of the most difficult tasks to do! I can empathise totally Dan!



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