Do The Next Right Thing
Sometimes a goal seems so far away, we become disheartened and discouraged to the point that we tell ourselves it is futile to pursue it even one more minute. But that is a self-defeating behavior. We can always do the next right thing that will bring us an inch, an hour, or a ounce closer to achieving a dream. Realizing a dream is rarely easy. We have to expect tough challenges, brief setbacks, and hours when we must summon every ounce of courage, patience and determination available. When we are attempting something exceptionally challenging, we may not hear the encouragement we need from others. Remember that it's your dream, not theirs. This journey is yours alone. The first step in gaining the faith of others is having a strong faith in yourself. This path is meant for your feet alone. We can't blame others for not seeing the path to our dream as clearly as we can. Do the next right thing. If you are feeling frustrated waiting for a partner or associate to do task that you've hired them to do, if their timeline isn't perfectly synched with your timeline, do some research that will broaden your understanding of your new venture.You will be entering new territory so get a head start on learning the lay of the land while your partner completes their task. Prepare for the next step you're going to take after your partner does their appointed assignment. Abraham Lincoln said, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe." Sharpen your axe. Get ready. If we take a few steps each day, in due time, our dream will come true. Do the next right thing right now.
This essay and thirty other meditations on making positive changes in our lives is from my book, Make Tomorrow Better, available on Amazon.…/…/ref=asap_bc…