Do this for the next 20 Days | Exam Time
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Do this for the next 20 Days | Exam Time

Do this for the next 20 days

Hi guys, I am Neeraj Arora. Exams are approaching and you’re starting to work up some anxiety. Here is a list of things which you must do before 20 days of your Exam.

  1. Study like your ideals Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, or your hero from any sport. Practice like cricket sport. 3 to 4 Sessions of 3 to 4 Hours Each. Remember this is HIGH TIME. You have to give your best shot in these remaining days.
  2. Stay away from Social Media (Social media is 100% disallowed for next 20 days)
  3. Be calm and have faith in your capabilities.
  4. Repeat positive affirmations to avoid negativity (Whenever negative thoughts come to your mind, say “Pass Pass Pass Pass to yourself)
  5. Take care of Health, especially eating disorders and not eating on time and eating junk food (even if you are not at your place eat fruits and drink lots of water)
  6. Do meditation only for 5 minutes. Don’t search on YouTube. Just close your eyes and concentrate on your breath. Breathe with your nose and leave from the nose itself. On Count 1, inhale and exhale on count 2. On count 3, inhale and exhale on the next count. Take it up to 10 and then restart from the 1st count then 2 and so no. Find a place which is completely silent. Mornings are silent with birds chirping. Make it a routine to do it every morning. I am asking for 5 minutes only. Come on, 5 minutes can be managed.
  7. Do stretches. Arms, legs and neck, full-body stretch out for 5 to 10 minutes immediately after the meditation. I will share the link of basic stretches that you can do. Just 5-10 minutes. Meditation and exercise will recharge your brain cells, your memory will be enhanced, your ability to sit longer hours will increase, your concentration will improve.
  8. After sitting for long hours, there are chances that you will feel your body has become stiff, muscles have become tense. Don’t worry, stretches to the rescue. These simple stretches will relax your muscles.
  9. Go for a walk in the night time or evening time. (Preferably after Dinner)
  10. Avoid Big boss and other daily soaps etc. completely. Netflix and Amazon Prime are dacoits. They dacoit your money, time, energy. One movie or one web series can cost you one attempt (Crores of rupees)
  11. Have a conversation with your family member with whom you are comfortable. It may be your parents or siblings or even your cousins or maybe a close friend. If you have no one talk then to yourself and write it down. Make a daily journal.
  12. Make daily Study Plans before going to bed. Even if you are not able to achieve them, just keep making them, till the last day of your exam.
  13. Don’t forget to take bath daily, it is like pressing F5 on the computer’s keyboard. It refreshes you. Please don’t skip it.
  14. Don’t worry about exams or results just concentrate on what you are doing. Concentrate on “work at hand”.
  15. You are not a HERO of a Bollywood movie. You will not win the Olympic medal without even knowing the rules of the game. The road to success is not a straight line. It is zigzag. Somedays you will feel low. Some days you will feel high. Lows & highs are part of life. Just keep in mind that every low should be lesser than the previous low and every high should be higher than the previous high. This way you will reach the peak.
  16. Say complete “NO” to your “Boyfriend” or “Girlfriend” as the case may be. Remember the last time? Oh! This is your first time? Wait for it. You will see him/her with someone else very soon. Learn to move on and learn to say no. If the other person is really thinking long term he/she can wait for a few days.
  17. Don’t get into the comfort zone, don’t leave your upcoming exams by saying that I will study for a rank in the next attempt. Don’t be influenced by your friends who are doing the same.

I am praying for only those who are working hard and are dedicated to their purpose. Those who are not working hard, no prayer can help you at all. Remember Intelligence can fail but hard work can never fail.



PS: You can take a Print of this page and Paste on your Board/ Study Table. Read this daily till the last exam to keep yourself supercharged and motivated.


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