Do motorcycles pay tolls?

Do motorcycles pay tolls?

Motorcycles are quite a popular choice for transportation in the US, especially in cities. On highways, cruising on your motorcycle may be a great time. However, what happens when you come across a toll? Do you have to pay for it or just drive it for free? Usually, you need to pay tolls but, in some situations, or locations, this isn’t the case. In some states, you can pay using a transponder tag. In others, there are different forms of prepayment. Continue reading to learn anything that can help you save money and have a smoother ride experience.

Do motorcycles pay tolls?

In most states, motorcycle tolls are required. Usually, you need to stop at a toll booth and pay cash as using toll tags or transponders in a motorcycle may be impossible. The amount you pay depends on the type of toll system and the specific toll facility. Very often, you pay a flat fee at open toll plazas, whereas closed and open road tolls use a variable pricing system based on the distance you travel. Some states don’t have tolls at all. Those are Michigan, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Wisconsin, and Tennessee.

How much is the toll for motorcycles?

When you ride a motorcycle, you can usually expect to pay slightly less than car drivers do. This is mostly because there are various additional fees and surcharges that are added on for larger vehicles. Usually, motorcycles pay a similar (or the same) toll as cars and all other 2-axle vehicles. Motorcyclists can pay using a FasTrak transponder mounted to the motorcycle’s windscreen. Tags can also be kept in a secure location (like a pouch).

EZ-Pass for motorcycle, EZ tag for motorcycle – do you need a special toll tag while riding a motorcycle?

You don’t have to have any special toll tag to pay tolls while riding a motorcycle. You can easily use any valid toll tag or transponder offered by the state you live in. The best option is to mount a toll tag or transponder on the windshield of your motorcycle (the transponder tag comes with tape for you to mount it on the windshield), but you can also keep it safe in your pocket or pouch. Most motorists choose to keep a tag somewhere safe because the tag can be easily stolen while a motorcycle is parked. Also, some motorcycles don’t even have a windshield to put a tag on. Sticking a tag on e.g., your chest pocket is not the best option, too. First, you have to expose the tag enough so that the sensor can read it effectively. Secondly, you must remember to have the tag with you all the time you’re riding your motorcycle on toll roads. If you don’t expose the tag while crossing a toll booth, it may cause a substantial fine on you.

Unfortunately, most highway toll facilities aren’t very motorcyclist-friendly. You must stop at a toll booth and pay in cash which is inconvenient and takes time, or get a tag that isn’t actually designed for the vehicle. The second option is better for bikes, though, as you don’t have to remove gear to pay cash at a toll booth.

Note: Some states do have special transponder tags for motorcycles. One of them is Texas. With a Texas motorcycle pass, you can pay tolls quickly and easily without stopping at toll booths.

More information on the specific of paying tolls for motorcycle riders in our blog:



