To Do More We Must Be More

To Do More We Must Be More

I hesitate to prescribe any solution to the work/life balance equation because I’m not sure “balance” truly exists.

And the solution comes from within.

Balance is not a static state and its definition varies from individual to individual and from one period of time to another.

In fact, the executive leaders I coach all define it differently but there is one thing they all agree on; it is tough to achieve, and for many, it is the most difficult challenge they face in their leadership role.

Though they perceive it as extremely relevant to their leadership effectiveness, most are not equipped with the tools to make time work for them rather than against them.

What we’re really talking about here is our relationship with time.

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And how we use what is given to us.

Leaders understand that how we choose (empowered) to use time is a key ingredient in work/life “balance” and ultimately our long-term success.

When we have a low awareness of our relationship with time we tend to experience a sense of loss of internal control (though we may attribute it to external forces).

And with the ever-increasing demands on our time we get frustrated, give in to distractions, and procrastinate. This breeds a deep sense of burden, and undeniable stress.

Clearly, achieving balance in the executive fast lane is a major endeavor and a critical imperative.

Where the “future” hasn’t been delivered.

Why aren’t we all living a life of leisure? Where is all the extra time we’re supposed to have gained in the automated, AI, and computer world we live in?

That vision has not been fulfilled.

The pace of business and life has sped up exponentially and each new technological advance only creates more for us to do.?

“Slack” and other communication tools create more productivity, but also more distractions. They are programmed to grab your attention and never let it go. Everything from the color scheme to the user experience and interface is intentionally addictive.

And in some sort of weird paradox, the ease with which we can access information (and each other) only makes it more difficult to apply the focus and concentration needed to “git ‘er done and go home.”

Where once there was a process of outreach and delay, now communication demands an immediacy not seen in previous iterations (letters, phone calls, email). And every outreach comes with the potential for new questions/needs/tasks and responsibilities - which also beg an immediate response.?

It's the perfect response to our "now" culture.

As a result, instead of applying technology to increase the opportunity for life satisfaction and balance, we’re faced with a constant flow of “have to’s” with very little time for the “want to’s” we were so optimistically promised.

"The problem is that technology has become an extra limb for some of us. It's important to utilize this technology, but at the same time it’s important to know when to take a break from it." Alex Broches, Start Living...Now!

Time gained is quickly redirected and depending on how we apply it, becomes time lost.

We simply replace the time it used to take to call or walk over to someone’s office with more to do.

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“Freed” time is very often filled with the ten additional tasks we need to complete before the end of the day.

How long can we sustain becoming more and more productive with our time?

Doing more is not the answer.

There’s an old Far Side cartoon that illustrates the perils of “more” in the corporate career setting.

In it, two managers are discussing how they treat their “high performers.”?

“How do you manage expectations of your high performers?”, one manager asks the other. “Doesn’t it get expensive budgeting for their promotions and salary increases?”

“Oh, that’s easy.”, the other manager replies. We just keep adding more and more to their plates until they become mediocre.”


For their part, high performers never see a challenge they’re not willing to take on. They’re internally driven for success and highly adept at focusing their energy on their desire to achieve even more.

This very often leads to feelings of overwhelm.

Add to this the fact that high-performing organizations tend to pile more and more on their key talent (and with business demands pushing them to operate leaner and leaner) and you have a recipe for imbalance.

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The end result is that high-performers continue to challenge themselves to excel even as they’re forced to do more work with fewer resources.

This affects energy and drive at a time just when it is needed most.

Balance is the answer.

It is crucial to your productivity and satisfaction (necessary for consistent and sustained effort).

Now more than ever, it’s critical that you see personal balance as the key to long-term effectiveness.

How many unbalanced, uncentered leaders do you know? What’s the impact on their effectiveness?

Everyone knows when the leader is out of balance.

They can be irritable, short-tempered, and short-sighted. It impacts their personal sense of direction and makes it difficult to show others the way.

Imbalanced leaders have difficulty projecting direction and purpose. Their team may hesitate around them or avoid the leader entirely.?

Unfortunately, many leaders fail to value the time they might have devoted to leading a balanced life for “more” productivity and increased leadership effectiveness..

The irony is that instead of thriving, leaders who become overwhelmed by their professional demands are merely surviving.?

And they project this survival mode on both their professional and personal relationships.

What if?

A wise man once said, if we wish to do more we must be more. Taking time to "be" in all aspects of life is crucial to leaders and it's that center balance that allows us to reach in multiple directions while still maintaining our inner equilibrium.

What if you could make empowered choices about how you spend your time?

What if you were able to see your relationship with time in a way that works for you?

What if you could get the right amount of sleep (for you), live your life with the right amount of stress (for you), determine exactly how busy you’d like to be, and live your life to that expectation (mostly)?

How would your life be different?


Looking for guidance on developing your own solution to work/life balance??

Defining and navigating your relationship with time can be challenging, and better, long-lasting results can be achieved with a coach by your side.

Brian is an ICF-certified coach and executive HR consultant. He combines a unique background of leadership roles in the military, operations, and human resources to deliver powerful coaching that gets results.

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Laura Leach, MPCC, SPCC, RCC??

Consultant, Certified Career Coach, Speaker

2 年

Thanks for the great share Brian White, PCC, SHRM-SCP, SPHR. This is really helpful.

Alla Fine

?? I help Top Leaders find LOVE and show how to keep it! | Global Dating & Relationship Expert Coach | Matchmaker | PQ EQ Business Coach for Coaches | Global Connector | Event Planner | Fundraising Consultant

2 年

When you over deliver, you shine. Great article Brian White, PCC, SHRM-SCP, SPHR.

Neha Govil

LinkedIn Top Leadership Development Coaching Voice | Impact Facilitator | Strategic Listener | Culture Catalyst | Purpose Coach | Visual Storyteller

2 年

Very well articulated Brian White, PCC, SHRM-SCP, SPHR. I enjoyed contemplating on your What Ifs!

Dana Zellers, PCC, ELI-MP

Executive Coach | Facilitator | Speaker | I help busy professionals succeed at work without sacrificing their personal lives

2 年

Thanks for sharing Brian White, PCC, SHRM-SCP, SPHR I struggle with what the right working is with my clients and tend to default to balance. And it's a constant reminder that it's not just about being efficient to jam in more to-do items but prioritizing all areas of life, which is sometimes doing nothing.

Betty Kempa, CPC, ELI-MP

Business Coach for Coaches | Business Consultant | Marketing Strategist | Forbes Coaches Council | Cancer Survivor ?? | Helping corporate renegades ditch the 9-5 & repackage their genius into a 6-figure coaching business

2 年


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