Do Men Read Dating Books?
Now that I've written a dating book for women, friends are suggesting that I write a book for men. But I always say to them, "Men don't read relationship books."
I still believe there's truth in that statement. Though something unexpected happened when I published my dating book A Woman's Guide to Understanding Men: Dating Secrets Most Women Don't Know.
Dads seem to be loving it.
A few former male colleagues, who have teenage daughters, have reached out to me and said they heard my radio interview this past week—where I told women to take it slow with men and wait at least 12 Saturday night dates to sleep with a man. They appreciated my advice, which protects young women from Mr. Wrongs and helps them find Mr. Right.
Yes, in this hook-up culture, 12 dates seems like a lot. But that dating guideline, along with many others, including making sure the man drives to your area for dates and that he pays for dates, gets my clients to the finish line faster. Not only that, these guidelines set in motion that essential chase, which makes dating a thrill for the man. It's a win-win situation.
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