Do members of your team have attendance issues? Let me tell you why.
Have you tried assembling a set of jigsaw puzzle with several pieces missing? Not a fun task, is it? At least for most.
Sadly, many managers face similar situations with their team for days on end - some "pieces" are often missing. We've seen projects derailed or delayed because people didn't show up as expected. Unfortunately, and quite obviously, the problem is that not just that the project or the job gets delayed - relationships are strained, teamwork goes down, morale drops and a culture is being shaped. Accidentally. Unless of course the manager acts on it quickly, decisively and effectively. The first 2 (quickly and decisively) can be easy even for bad bosses. In the final analysis, it's really the third one -effectively - that counts. But how?
the problem is that not just that the project or the job gets delayed - relationships are strained, teamwork goes down, morale drops and a culture is being shaped. Accidentally.
Note: I am not referring to planned vacation or time off or missing work due to rare emergencies. I am talking about unexpectedly and habitually missing work-days. They miss work-days for various reasons, according to them - such as headache or migraine, or diarrhea, or toothache, or stomach ache, or the siblings have a problem, or there's no water, or this and that. And for some "strange reasons" they usually occur before or after holidays and rest days!
Most managers would put actions into place - quickly and decisively ("No one is allowed to file sickness leaves before or after holidays and rest days!" the edict says.) Hey, that's how they become managers! But that is NOT enough. And not even RIGHT, right?
To ensure we provide an effective response we have to know why some people have the tendency to be "missing."
So why do employees fail to show up for work when they are expected to be at work?
Here's why, are you ready for it?
Because of you.
Oops! Sorry.
Some people are so uncommitted to their job that they will find every little excuse NOT TO BE AT WORK (or to be late or tardy!) and it's (primarily) because of the manager. Managers are the single biggest reason why employees fail to show up at work when they should.
Managers are the single biggest reason why employees fail to show up at work when they should.
Here are 2 top reasons why it could be your fault that people are missing or late:
- They don't want to see you. You must have treated them so badly in the past that they detest working with you but will put up with it to keep the job. These employees may not even realized that the reason they are not excited to go to work and excited to find an excuse NOT to go is because they don't want to see you.
Special note: Another symptom of this problem is that even if they report for work - they are trying to avoid you. They miss or are late for meetings with you. Often, they are in some place where you are not there.
2. They feel they are not important enough to be missed. Most managers treat their people as pawn pieces to be sacrificed that they themselves do not realize or appreciate their real value to the team and to the organization. Very few managers show genuine appreciation to what their members do that they cannot imagine how they can be valuable at all.
Although admittedly, and realistically, we cannot solve all absenteeism issues of employees as they may have real problems they are dealing with that don't concern you, there is much we can do to help most of our "problem employees."
Here are some ways. test and see if they work:
- For every role and member of your team, TELL them privately and in team meetings the role they play and WHY it's important - why IT matters so THEY matter.
- Again, privately and in team settings, emphasize that you NEED their presence (virtually or physically) and that you EXPECT it from them.
- Whenever they do their jobs effectively show appreciation for what they have done and connect it to the team and organization's goals.
- Whenever somebody misses work for whatever reason, LISTEN carefully to their story and empathize. Ask them if there is anything within reason that you can to help with the situation. This is to show the value of their "presence" and their value to your team.
- Treat them with respect and fairness.
- Be sincere. Be genuine. Be authentic.
- Make it easy for them to do great work.
- Make it fun to have you around!
- Celebrate successes and accomplishments.
- Inspire teamwork and accountability.
I know you may be choking at this point. But there are no shortcuts to great things. That's why most people miss out on greatness - they want the roses without the thorns. They want the rewards without the difficult work.
Do try them out and let me know how they play out.
Remember, make people feel important and they will try every possible way to NOT MISS work.
"make people feel important and they will try every possible way to NOT MISS work."
Till next time!
Have a great day!