"The will to Do"
Marie Ricketts-Scott, , MBA, BSc, Dip ED
Learning & Development Specialist, Lecturer, Founding Director -Jamaica Lung Support. Logistic Professional
Our actions are our only true belongings. One day many years ago, one of my managers gave me what I thought was an impossible task. I said, "OK. I'll try." He explained that I would finish as long as I didn't quit. Trying didn't enter into it. Persistence was all that mattered.
That statement changed my life in ways you cannot imagine. Often someone says, "I'll try..." because it gives the person an out. Once you says, "I will," your perspective change. What previously seemed insurmountable is no longer a matter of luck or chance but of time and effort and persistence.
When what you want to do really matters, never say, "I'll try." Say, "I will," and keep that promise to yourself.
Today, I encourage you to be a blessing; pay forward a word of inspiration, it just might change someone's life.
Be blessed always!!