Do Like Santana: Return to School

Do Like Santana: Return to School

A recent piece in CSNWashington notes that Santana Moss (yes, that Santana Moss) has returned to school, along with 39 other NFL players.

Assuming the veracity of this article, this is something to be learned here of importance on three levels.  One:  This story needs to be shared with high school and college athletes to showcase the power of education -- even later in life.  (Another article suggests Santana is in an Executive MBA program; costs unclear. This would mean he completed his undergrad degree at UMiami which is commendable.) Two: if this program works (whether it is graduate or undergraduate), it's key features should be studied so it can be replicated for the many thousands of students who have stopped out or dropped out, especially from undergraduate education. Three:  Get Santana and the other 39 to do a public service campaign about returning to school (as opposed to staying in school -- which is good too), whether for a graduate or undergraduate degree.  

My point: this story, with professional athletes, can have a real impact on other adults who have reached a point in their lives when further education can make a difference.  We are never too old, too famous, too rich, too well known, too accomplished to learn.  Not a bad lesson for all.  

Karen Gross

Trauma Educator, Author (children and adult books) and Artist; LLQ

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