Do not let it dominate your lives

Do not let it dominate your lives

President Trump has asked the nation to look the other way when facing Covid-19 right after coming out of Walter Reed Hospital, where it has been treated of the virus with the kind of care that no one other than a President could think of.

A team of doctors are taking care of Trump 24/7, providing him with experimental drugs and, also, being opaque about his condition. We do not know yet when Trump got infected, or when he got his last negative Covid-19 test. We do not know if the experimental medications he is under have affected vital organs, considering the side effects of those medications.

The fact, though, that Trump has chosen to underplay the virus impact claiming that people should not let it dominate their lives tells us a lot about how he faces this crisis. Trump does not seem to fathom how hard is for the average Joe to fight this battle. Although infected, he keeps a macho attitude facing the disease.

The dramatism of the Trump’s return staged at the White House underlines the idea that the President acts more than leads. The Trump presidency is like a movie production, focused on promoting his brand. In the meantime, Trump leaves behind the idea of protecting the people, starting with those working for him, now exposed to a patient that removes his mask once he gets home.

Even when he is “not out of the woods” yet, as his doctors say.  

But do not let it dominates your lives. Even if you do not have the chance to come back home from hospital in an helicopter.


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