Priya Ramakrishnan
Visual Marketer???Growth Manager???Business development Support???Client Service expert???Content Marketing Specialist
Today, I suddenly had this desire to share my life story with all of you!
Are you excited to know my journey to economic freedom? - My journey in this world of challenges, opportunities and enterprise. Life, they say is defined by the journey and not by the result or the destination! This is so true! True for me and for all of you!
I was the younger of 2 children and born in Chennai, in Tamil Nadu, India.
I grew up in a very orthodox family, in Coimbatore, South India , and had religion and spirituality thrust upon me at a very young age.
I grew up learning the scriptures which were introduced to me by my father. My father inspite of being an orthodox person wanted my life to be different and did want me to be empowered in some manner. He wanted me to have the best of everything in life and while enforcing strict discipline and moral codes, he also ensured that I had excellent schooling! All of life I remain grateful to my father for this as I believe that through all the hardships that I have faced, my education and constant and unending efforts to improve my knowledge have stood me in good stead. During the formative years of my life I had the grounding that is essential for creating a life of deep introspection and my father ensured this for me. He also enrolled me in a few games, like Tennis, Badminton, Chess, Carrom and the likes of it and encouraged me to learn Yoga, Carnatic music and Dance. I grew up with all that a little girl could ever wish for!
I did schooling in a convent where I was taught by nuns from Catholic backgrounds and I visited the church inside the school regularly! It was a nice experience which exposed me to different cultures and traditions at a very young age.
So, I grew up with inspiring influences and close family and relatives who were always there for me which provided me with a solid grounding in facing the world and becoming the independent and strong woman that I am today!
I did well in school and was one of the star students, an experience that I remember with pride and joy!
I later went on to do Mechanical Engineering ( again, a choice that not too many women were taking in those days) from PSG College of Technology in Coimbatore and enjoyed the journey to graduation!
All of this, until now, sounds excellent, is it not?! Sounds like the best formula for success in life! Success in my career, success in creating a life of wealth and greatness!
Far from that!
Now I reveal what exactly happened to my life! Was my life a bed of roses? Did I go from one success to the next with no bottle necks? Was my story a typical one of climbing the corporate ladder slowly and steadily to reach the level of COO, CEO etc. ?
Far from that!
Mine was a typical story of the repressed Indian woman who was pushed into holy matrimony immediately after graduation (because her family deemed it fit for her). Because, like all other Indian parents, mine also felt I was old enough to marry at a very young age, regardless of the fact that I was educated and could have done well for myself in the corporate world, regardless of my own desire to take on a career before marriage!
How many women out there resonate with this story? How many have also been forced to marry while desiring to embark on a career? How many have been helpless under the pressure imposed by their families? How many of you complied and ended up in the kitchen during their formative years? Maybe even today!
Let me continue my story….Let me now explain how I am today where I am, on this journey of helping 1,00,000 people create their success and wealth while living the Freedom Internet Lifestyle!
I got married and life just happened! Taking care of the family, the extended family of my husband, was all that I knew – for a very long time. Honestly, no one in my husband’s family, my husband or my own family bothered to ask me if I was happy just being a housewife! I was an educated woman, right? But that made no difference to anyone! I was just another housewife meant to take care of home and hearth! My degree in engineering made no difference to anyone although they did speak about it in their circles …that I was an ENGINEER!!! Added value in order to flaunt me and my educated status! And that was all!
Not once during those formative years, was I asked if I would like to pursue a career! What would I call that? Repression ?! Regressive attitude?! Not really…This was India in the 90s.
We as women / educated women way back in the 90s were intelligent but not intelligent enough to defy our parents. Not enough to realize that we could pursue a career and not just be relegated to the kitchen. We lacked in courage perhaps! We lacked in the foresight to see that we could handle the home while holding jobs! We perhaps belonged in that era where we lacked the wisdom of using our intelligence for intellectual pursuits of our own!
So, I continued with the situation for many years…One child was born…I spent many years raising my baby but all along agonizing over the fact that I was stagnating…I was not keeping in touch with my field of expertise. No one was concerned about ME! I had become very subdued and unhappy in this situation.
I then I did the un-thinkable - I took the decision to step out and pursue a career! But we are talking of a career many years after graduation! This comes with its own set of issues and problems in the corporate sector. I would either land in a job for which I was over qualified or in a job that did not challenge me enough. I was forced to remain in this situation for many years until one day in 2005, I took the bold step of leaving my corporate job and starting a company of my own, creating content and marketing collaterals for clients world over and managing the digital marketing for about a dozen. I had to contend initially with the fact that I would not be taking home a certain pay packet every month and that I had to put in a lot more effort into running my own company, but TRSUT ME …IT WAS WORTH IT!
With a team of 15 content writers and couple of managers we have been doing well for many years now! UNTIL ONE DAY I REALIZED I WANTED MORE…MUCH MORE …I wanted to share my knowledge and expertise with many more people who I thought would benefit from this.
Whatever we wish for happens – that’s what they have been telling us is it not? We read so much online about the word manifestation. I am sure I manifested the thought and found my mentor – a mentor absolutely suited for my aspiration – who showed me the path to the FREEDOM LIFESTYLE which enables me to empower 100s of thousands of people world over in creating their wealth machine.… in creating a life of prosperity and abundance! This journey huge and is for action takers. We are here to create a revolution helping 1,00,000 people create this!
Life is indeed a journey filled with heartaches, celebrations, hardships and joys along with special moments that actually lead us to our destination. I pray that each one of you remains steadfast in your journey knowing that you will be challenged, and your strength will be tested. Your faith will be tested too but do not let anything stop you from finding your life’s purpose. Throughout the journey you will encounter challenges - BUT DO NOT GIVE UP. We are bound to meet obstacles along the path. These obstacles are really blessings.
Time stops for none and if we allow the obstacles to hinder our progress then we will ultimately miss all of the wonderful opportunities that life may be presenting to us.
Live a life that you will not regret at a later date! Live the life of freedom and enterprise! Wishing my readers all the best in all their endeavors!
Beautiful Article Priya