Do Job Boards Really Work?

Do Job Boards Really Work?

Do Job Boards Really Work? In the realm of recruitment, the effectiveness of job boards can be summed up with a resounding "it depends." With over 20 years in the recruiting industry, including extensive experience across multiple industry sectors and now at the helm of ProducifyX, I've utilized all of the leading job boards to enhance my recruiting strategies, some successfully and other not so much. Through my journey, I've found that job boards are just one of many tools in the recruiter’s arsenal, and their success hinges on strategy and execution.

Job boards, much like any tool, are only as effective as the user behind them. For those willing to invest the time to understand the nuances of these platforms, job boards can yield tremendous results. However, the landscape of job boards is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and marketing strategies is crucial to maximizing your investment.

My Personal Experience

In 2009, when I launched my insurance distributorship, I left no stone unturned in my quest for talent. From newspaper ads to job fairs and online job boards, I cast a wide net. Initially, my recruits came from diverse sources. Early on, my biggest challenge became training and retention. My 15th recruit, Ryan Drysdale, who responded to an Indeed ad, became a pivotal figure in my business. Despite facing significant obstacles, including a massive snowstorm that almost prevented him from attending his interview, Ryan's determination stood out.

At the time of his interview, the Midwest experienced one of its biggest snowstorms in years, dumping about 20 inches of snow overnight. Despite his truck sliding into a ditch, Ryan was determined to make it to the interview. He eventually arrived at the hotel conference room where my recruiter was waiting, albeit a bit disheveled and covered in snow. His perseverance and dedication were immediately evident.

Ryan was working multiple jobs, managing a small business, and serving at a local restaurant to support his family of five. His resilience and work ethic shone through during the interview, and I knew he was someone special. People often say that the best recruits don’t come from job boards, but my experience with Ryan challenges that notion. Great candidates can come from anywhere if you are open-minded and diligent in your recruiting efforts.

Fast forward to present day, Ryan and I built one of the largest insurance companies within our parent company, expanding to 10 offices across multiple states. We eventually sold the business, invested in N2Growth, a top global executive search firm, and launched ProducifyX. Our professional partnership has blossomed into a deep personal friendship, proving that even a cold job board ad can lead to profound and lasting relationships. Ryan, his wife Cara, their twin boys, their oldest daughter, and youngest son have become like family to me. Together, we envision many more ventures, both for-profit and non-profit.

Here Are Some of The Best Job Boards


  • Overview: One of the most popular job boards, offering a vast reach and a user-friendly interface.
  • Differentiator: Known for its extensive database and strong search engine capabilities.
  • Best For: All types of job postings, particularly effective for high-volume hiring.
  • Learn More: Indeed


  • Overview: Provides a smart matching technology that actively finds candidates and invites them to apply.
  • Differentiator: Its ability to distribute job postings to over 100 job boards.
  • Best For: Small to mid-sized businesses looking for a streamlined hiring process.
  • Learn More: ZipRecruiter


  • Overview: The world's largest professional network, excellent for finding passive candidates.
  • Differentiator: Strong emphasis on professional networking and building connections.
  • Best For: Professional and executive roles.
  • Learn More: LinkedIn


  • Overview: One of the oldest job boards with a comprehensive suite of tools for job seekers and employers.
  • Differentiator: Offers resume analysis and job fit scoring.
  • Best For: A wide range of industries, with strong tools for both candidates and recruiters.
  • Learn More: Monster


  • Overview: Combines job listings with company reviews and salary information.
  • Differentiator: Provides transparency on company culture and employee satisfaction.
  • Best For: Employers looking to attract talent by showcasing company culture and benefits.
  • Learn More: Glassdoor

Best Job Board Strategy

  1. Consistency: Regularly update and repost job listings to keep them fresh and visible. Consistent activity signals to job seekers that your company is actively hiring. Also, stick to the long game without turning your job boards on and off through the "seasons" of recruiting.
  2. Content: Create compelling job descriptions that highlight key responsibilities and benefits. Use clear, engaging language and avoid jargon. Make sure to emphasize what sets your company apart, including your most valuable asset, your people.
  3. Reach: Utilize multiple job boards to expand your reach and attract a diverse pool of candidates. Different job boards have different user bases, so diversifying can help you find the best fit for your positions.

Do Free Job Boards and ATS Providers Work?

Free job boards can be effective for the right roles and with the appropriate budget. While they often lack the advanced features of paid boards, they can still attract quality candidates. Utilizing ATS software like CareerPlug and Paycor can enhance your recruitment efforts by integrating postings across various platforms, including free job boards, and streamlining the application process. These ATS solutions allow you to manage multiple postings across various platforms from one user-friendly interface.

However, there are limitations and restrictions you may not realize until you delve deeper into the process. Additionally, to maximize outcomes on sites like Indeed and ZipRecruiter, you are often encouraged to spend extra money to "sponsor" your ads. Typically there is also a baseline cost per market, per month, to utilize the ATS software to reach the "free" job postings. Many companies never fully master the evolving ATS algorithm find themselves spending thousands to tens of thousands more per month on additional job board sponsorship.?

So, the answer to whether free job boards work is also, "it depends." The effectiveness varies based on your specific needs, the roles you're hiring for, and how you leverage available tools to optimize your recruitment strategy.

ATS Insider Tip: Even though your ATS provider will say that they post your job ads to the top 15+ unique job boards (some advertise that they reach hundreds) the reality is that the lion’s share of applicants (in my experience around 95%) come from just 2 providers reached, Indeed and ZipRecruiter.?

Challenges to Maximizing Your Job Board Spend

  1. Heavy Workload: Maintaining postings, developing content, and understanding unique algorithms require significant time and effort. The process can be labor-intensive and may necessitate dedicated resources.
  2. Content Development: Crafting engaging job descriptions and titles that capture attention is challenging. It’s essential to stand out in a sea of postings while accurately conveying the job’s responsibilities and benefits.
  3. Algorithm Complexity: Each job board has its own algorithm for ranking postings. Understanding and leveraging these algorithms to maximize visibility can be complex and requires ongoing learning and adaptation.
  4. Avoiding Red Flags: Job boards like Indeed have policies that can flag postings for various reasons. Ensuring compliance and avoiding common pitfalls is crucial to maintaining your listings’ visibility.


Job boards can be a valuable tool in your recruitment strategy when used effectively. By understanding their strengths and limitations and continually refining your approach, you can leverage them to attract strong talent and achieve consistent hiring success. Perhaps you too will find a game-changing recruit from a job ad posting!

Think of recruitment like fishing: you never know where the best people will come from. Just as successful fisher-people cast multiple lines across various bodies of water, recruiters should diversify their job postings across multiple platforms. Using a mix of job boards widens your net and helps reach a diverse pool of candidates. By combining paid and free job boards and utilizing ATS software, you can streamline your efforts and improve your results. Tailor your job postings to stand out, keep them fresh, and adjust your strategies based on performance metrics. Consistency and adaptability are key. By casting a wide net and maintaining a strategic approach, you increase your chances of landing the prized catch.

Author: George Zimny, Co-Founder of ProducifyX

Kate Sensmeier

Strategic Marketing Leader | Driving Growth and Market Innovation

2 个月

Great content George Zimny - it is a really important strategy to always be recruiting and have "future openings" posted on the company's career page. When employers go this route and build a rich career site, it helps educate prospective applicants and they can see if they'd be a good fit for a company's culture. This kind of intentional, passive recruiting strategy can build up a pool of quality candidates which is really helpful when actively hiring or if forced into an 'emergency' situation.

Meghan Cary

Director of Recruiting

2 个月

George Zimny, this is an excellent analysis of the best options out there right now for recruiters. Thank you for sharing your knowledge for the greater good! I completely agree that an excellent candidate can be found almost anywhere; it's all about optimizing each source. Staying agile, open-minded, and aware of the ever-changing patterns and trends is critical to success (and an exciting challenge, as well)!

Jake Peterson

Divisional Field Manager

2 个月

So true!! ????

Sue Rector

STL Community Connector and Volunteer. I ????

2 个月

George, this is a great personal story of success in recruiting an extraordinary individual from an unlikely source. Your newsletter has so many resources for the best job boards and from your experience/research… the “why” they are the best!! Great resource for anyone hiring. Worthwhile read??

Muhammad Salman Shabir

Marketing Specialist @ LinkedIn | Online Marketing, Digital Marketing

2 个月

Well said!


