Do It!
I was just about to
I’m fixin’ to
I’m fitttin’ ta
Imma ‘bout to
I’m getting ready to
I"m _______________(fill in the blank)
There is a myriad of phrases for what we are “about to do”. I hear a variety on any given day from my children when I ask them to do something, leave the room and come back to find them. . . not doing.
“I’m getting ready to, Dad.” Or, “I just had to do this first and then I was going to.”
Not surprisingly, it’s no different at work. I’m guilty too. I put off things I don’t like to do like expense reports or anything that necessitates using Excel. I’ll do that as soon as I do this (suddenly) long list of other things I tell myself.
I do, however, find tremendous satisfaction and feel a massive weight lifted when I face the enemy and do the thing I don’t like to do. What a great feeling to be able to say, done, did it, finished, checked off the list! Ahhhh. Big exhale. So satisfying.
So what’s “next” on your list? What are you putting off or fixin’ to do?
Turn around. Face it. Do it. Check it off. Exhale.