Do I think mainly in techniques or principles --- ideas or concrete proposals?
Willpower “Will” Harris
Social Entrepreneur | Social Media Influencer & Consultant ?? | Revenue Growth Specialist ? Committed to Building a Better World for All ??
One of the highlights of my career was working for the great Zig Ziglar. I remember that my friend who introduced me to him said that it was my life goal to meet him.
He smiled and said “Well Will, we just need to work on raising your goals.”
When I was in my 20’s I could not think of anything I would rather do then to be a motivational speaker. However, one of the criticism I would hear about motivational speaking was that it was an industry of people who say a lot of “rah rah” stuff without giving you any specifics. I felt that both the “rah-rah” and the technical training was needed. The Ra-Ra stuff I began to look at as being big ideas or principles. The teaching aspects I looked at as techniques or concrete proposals.
We need both. The principles inspire us to want to be better. The techniques teach us how to be better.
When reflecting on this week’s question it may be easy to identify what gets you going. We also need to identify areas that keep us going.
Both these areas are covered in Power Prospecting
It is best to fill in your gaps…to know yourself well. Knowing yourself well means knowing which of the two (principles or techniques) that you gravitate to filling first; and being able to apply your willpower to seek out adding the other area into the mix as well. This addition will create a one-two punch that will be sure to help you knockout any of your goals.