Do I Like What I See in the Mirror?
Optimum Impact Coaching
Partnering with leaders to reach higher levels of personal and professional excellence.
As a coach, I work with leaders on their Leadership Presence.? A pillar of that work is the leader managing their image.? The starting question used when on the topic of image: what is your brand??
The first answer is normally the kicking off point because brand is complex.? We have the visual brand: How do I look? ?What clothes support my image? ?Does my image match company culture?? What image best represents me??
Next, we have the spoken brand: What is the language used to create my impact?? What words best represent who I am as a leader?? Am I consistent with this language?? Does my language modify based on audience??
And if these two factors were not enough, we have the virtual brand: Does my LinkedIn Page, Facebook, Instagram, company intranet, etc., represent what I stand for; my presence, my level of expertise and profession?
My recommendation when exploring this topic is to reflect and build an inventory.? I ask my leaders what their gifts and values are today.? On what topics do your colleagues reach out to you for your expertise? ?Who in your network provides you quality feedback?? Once you have that inventory, dig deep.? Is that the leader you want to be?? What do you value?? What would you like to change??
If the current state is not the ideal brand, write a letter to your future self.? Describe the characteristics of the leader you aspire to be. ?Then build a plan to augment your skills and build an awareness of what it will take to move closer to your ideal brand.
Your brand is always in progress.? Take the time to drive clarity so you can articulate to yourself and others.? Be open to pivoting as you grow.? Seek quality feedback to help measure your awareness.? This time investment in yourself is one of the most important ones for a healthy sustainable you.?
The barometer of success in this category is the person smiling back in the mirror because the reflection answers all the questions.?
At?Optimum Impact Coaching?we have created assessments, workshops and one-to-one coaching experiences that can help leaders increase their skills in these areas.??For more information contact us at? connect with our coaches:?Bonnie Maitlen, Ed.D.??BCC, PCC?|?Roberta Fiore-Kittell, MCC??|?Kevin Logeman, MBA, PCC?
Author:?Kevin Logeman, MBA, PCC?