Do I know my life’s purpose?
Welcome to the latest edition of Tuesday Trio.
This week, we’re asking, “Do I know my life’s purpose?” This includes:
We see others fulfilling what we understand to be their life purpose. However, how do we know that it is their life purpose? Do we associate life purpose with having a nice lifestyle, a successful career, or being famous? At I Am Here, we are exploring, what is life purpose, and does everyone have a life purpose and a calling?
As always, your contribution to the conversation is welcomed and hugely valued.
What are we watching this week?
At I Am Here, we liked this 10-minute YouTube video from TopThink. The video explores the essence of our life’s purpose and tells us that it is not an evasive thing, or a faraway land. Our purpose lives very much in the present, and that it is already in our brain. We just need to figure out how to find it. This clip gives us a road map to doing just that, discovering what our purpose is, and what our calling in life is. We hope you enjoy.
Watch the video (10 Minute Watch)
We welcome your thoughts on the clip. Do you think you will apply the three steps to find your purpose? Come share with us on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.
What are we reading this week?
This week, we are reading “Six Little Stories with Lots of Meaning.” It is a thought-provoking, relatable image that we at I Am Here wish to share with you. The origin of the image is unknown. However, its wisdoms, and observations are thought-provoking, and we wanted to bring it to you. We would love your thoughts on what it means to you.
Six Little Stories with Lots of Meaning
Have a happy day and live your life like these six stories. Remember good friends are the rare jewels of life, difficult to find, and impossible to replace.
What are we quoting this week?
“The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness.”
– Esther Hicks
At I Am Here, we think this is a relevant quote in our discussion about our life purpose. It is a quick reminder to us that we need to find what makes us happy. We also need to figure out why it makes us happy, and to see how our happiness impacts positively on those around us.