Be Do Have

Be Do Have

I recently listened to a radio show by Robert Kiyosaki talking about spirituality.  Now this was not a talk about any religious beliefs or anything like that but really to understand that we have a spiritual side of us that guides us.  Weather you call on Jesus, Buddha or Allah is irrelevant at this point.  I happen to be Christian so I call on Jesus.  If you are Muslim, then Allah is who you look to.  Even if you are atheist there is some inner source of power that guides you.  But in the Be, Do, Have pattern of life we can go back to a verse in the Bible from Romans 12:2 that states "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."  

Do not get hung up that I took this from the Bible but understand what it is saying.  BE.  Robert suggested that most people in life start out with the Do.  When meet people for the first time, most often the question pops up "So what do you do?" and of course we proceed to tell of our occupation.  No one ever asks "So who are you".  Because of accepted thought we pattern our life by a constant reinforcement of Do.  As a child we are told we will grow up one day and Do what?  We prepare our kids for a job which is to Do something.  We bring our parents to school and they talk about their jobs and we train our kids to think in terms of Do.  So we start to follow the pattern of Doing to achieve some dream that we have had as a kid and we get to adult life struggling to Do more so we can Have more.  Never do we say BE more.  And so the verse taken from Romans 12:2 tells the follower of the Christian faith to BE transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to.......We have to BE folks, then we will Do what will help us Have what we want.   We struggle to Do because we are NOT who we need to BE and we can never Do enough to Have what we want to Have because we need to BE to Have it........WOW.  Got that?  As a Christian I do not try to Do the Christian life, I simply am, I am in the state of Being a Christian.  I believe in Jesus and thus I am (Be).  I cannot cease BEING and so DOing what is required of a Christian is not hard, it is not a chore, it is not suffering, I cannot help DOing because I simply am Being, just like I cannot stop BEing a man because I am a man.  It is a privilege to DO because I am.   In the same way, if we want to be rich, we have to transform into a rich man.  We have to BE a rich man before the money catches up.  I read a book titled "How to think like a Millionaire".  If we then follow the pattern of Romans, we can transform from "Broke Thinking" that got us broke in the first place to "Wealth Thinking" so we can BE wealthy.   Or as my Friend Eddy Inamdar calls it "Broke Mentality to Wealth Mentality".  In our minds then the Do happens because the Mind will find a way to make it happen, because the mind cannot help BEing and so the DO have to follow.  I cannot change being a man, well I take that back because we can now with surgery and hormone pills, but if it is possible to change this, how hard is it for us then to transform to Being what we want to BE?   

If I may, let me give an example of something I noticed about me as I was listening to the Radio program.  Now, I did not even know I was doing this while I was doing it but as it turned out I was following the BE DO HAVE pattern.  I was an engineer for 20 years by profession but I do not believe I ever was an Engineer.  I worked in various roles in software, testing, training, field service, tech support and automation.  Funny thing is, I never really became part of those groups because my mind never transformed into BEing an engineer.  When I was 15 I knew I wanted to BE a Business Owner.  I am from the Caribbean and I would stand on the boat docks and watch the tourist come in on the fancy yachts and tell myself "one day I will own one of those.  I will BE a business man and make enough money to buy one".  So that started a transformation of my mind.  I got my Degree and started working at the age of 22 as an engineer.  I liked it for the first 2 years because I was making money then I realized I did not like my surrounding.  Most of the people wore jeans and T-Shirt and flipflops.  I dressed in Slacks and Shirts. (I am not knocking what you do folks, I am simply pointing out that to Be is to patter your DO.)  Most time I laundry my clothes and if not I will starch and press them myself.  They (the engineering group) thought I was weird.  I did this for years and never really bought into the engineer role.  I always questioned why.  What are we doing this or that for.  Why can we not do it this way or that way or try something else?  Really always asking the business strategy questions.  As I got older in my Mid 30's I started wearing a blazer to work and this even caused my superiors and colleagues to question if I was moonlighting as a CEO outside my job.  (A few years after that question I actually started building my business in the evening but did not advertise it at my place of work).  I said no way, I just liked dressing that way.  But see, I was in my mind a business man and I acted like it even in my engineering role.  I was BEing so DOing came naturally and I was not even aware that I was BEing.  The concept of BE DO Have was not even known to me then.  I was even seeking advice on BEing more of a business man than BEing an engineer because I had to satisfy that craving.  

Some people are so focused on Doing that they have no idea who they BE.  They are lost in the world of Doing, filling the roles and  locking themselves to a routine they do not even like because they have to DO.  I never knew how I was going to end up here and a Business owner, but I found myself over the years building relationships with the people who had what I wanted without me trying to force these relationships.  Those folks that did not have what I wanted, I never seemed to build a bridge with them.  I could never see eye to eye with them.  That was because unknown to them and me, we were busy BEing who we were and who we were just did not match.  So if you find yourself in a place you do not like, Change, Transform yourself into who you want to BE and BE, then you will be surprised how that DO happens to fulfill who you BE

This is what we do at Follow Tomorrow.  We help transform your Identity from what you Do into who you want to BE.  So let's Follow Tomorrow and BE.......


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